Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Odd that you felt the need to drag another event from months ago into the equation rather than comment on the one in question on its merits.

Good to see you are drawing parallels between a golf society outing and a funeral.

Id say Martin told him in no uncertain terms he was gone and gave him the option of resigning. When your party leader doesn’t have to consult with anyone he or she can make decisions

Newstalk were actually too leniant, saying he shouldn’t have had to resign that its a ‘yellow card’ offence. I texted them my outrage

The discussion was in relation to this event and the funeral, yes. Why aren’t you giving your substantive point as to why what both crowds did was different?

A sheep in Woulfes clothing

Very unfair on the hotel when its personal responsibility to follow guidelines. Again the public are to blame for the last few weeks increase in cases, thats the offical line.

Always someone else’s fault with these people.

Why haven’t I?

I already have, I addressed this quite a way back and then posted it again when you claimed otherwise. What I can’t do is make any compensation for how thick as pig shit you are.

Here it is for a third time, dimwit.

That’s right Guard…81 of them are in there…no masks…no social distancing…and most of them are pissed drunk.


It wasn’t just Ms O’Neill up there, and you’re still not making any point as to why it’s different. Just because you say so?

Let them eat cake? Or watch an intermediate hurling match from the top of a digger?

If I tried to book an event for 100 people in that hotel I’d be told to get fucked.

If I tried to get 120 people into a church for a funeral I’d be told to get fucked.


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I’ve an interest in current affairs without claiming to know the exact mechanics behind the scenes. But it’s mad how thick a load of the politicians are. I take the earlier point they’re a representation of the society that elects them, but they also have the supposed expertise of well paid advisers.

Obviously the government has more of these (Eamon Ryan with up to 8 advisers on radio the other morning and saying the government has been caught on the hop with the increase in COVID cases :roll_eyes:), but SF have plenty of them in their employ too.

I presume the parties put forward the politicians that are doing the media rounds on any given day? The least I’d expect is that an adviser should brief them beforehand. That’s why I thought it was laughable that Donnelly appeared on Prime Time the other night and said he had no information whatsoever on the return to schools.

Even if an individual takes a call from a programme researcher asking them to appear on a show then surely (s)he should have even a short conversation with an adviser beforehand to run by dos/donts etc.

Ming is being merciless


Try organise a training session for 22 lads? 2 groups of 11 you’ll be told get fucked

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Doxing Phil . That’s cuntacting.

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That guy is clearly not fit to be a supreme court judge. How do fuckwits like that get so far.

Simon Harris has tweeted. He’s communicated a general and vague anger but hasn’t mentioned anybody directly.


Who appoints judges?