Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

McConkey is mad to go to Gatwick. Any chance you could arrange it @Batigol


Tis a sideshow and a distraction.

These fellas are just playing the public at the moment.

Does McWanker work at all?

Sam is working for Samsung or something heā€™s trying to give us all phones again

He works for RTƉ

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Samsung McDonkey


For an app 50% of people have deleted

Heard that. Be some craic with auld rural lads using apps on smart phonesšŸ˜‚

This cunt must have shares in Samsung or Apple. Where did he get his Economics degree? ā€œI donā€™t think level 3 is good for businessā€ Jesus wept!

Conkers finally acknowledges that we have a border with NI. No mention yet of what happens when we open back up.

The phones again :grin:

Hes one of these lads who wear a suit to look like their busy

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Oh hereā€™s Richard Boyd Barrett and heā€™s disagreeing with everyone


In front of the ref too

If the Govt went to level 5 Richard Boyd Barrett would be against it.


ā€œGet ahead of the virus, crush itā€



No way Varadkar would go in that strong unless he was sure of his ground.

Is Boyd Barrett living on planet earth?

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Claire Byrne is an idiot


Itā€™s appears absolutely spot on.

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