Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Hes one of these lads who wear a suit to look like their busy

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Oh hereā€™s Richard Boyd Barrett and heā€™s disagreeing with everyone


In front of the ref too

If the Govt went to level 5 Richard Boyd Barrett would be against it.


ā€œGet ahead of the virus, crush itā€



No way Varadkar would go in that strong unless he was sure of his ground.

Is Boyd Barrett living on planet earth?

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Claire Byrne is an idiot


Itā€™s appears absolutely spot on.

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They are all reeling. Leo has won the day and is leading us to victory in the war on medical eggheads


Imagine FFG are the most OIUTF party in Ireland. For fuck sake

Testing and tracing for fuck sake.

Jesus Christā€¦ We need tracing , we need testing, we need to protect the environment elderlyā€¦ We need ICU bedsā€¦ The same bullshit since March.


Real plausible that NPHET would agree to get sent home with their tae in their mugs.

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We have to wrestle the virus to the ground.

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Was that tonight?:joy:

Shinners saying they donā€™t know what level they would have gone to. :thinking:

SF donā€™t even have an opinion on what should have been done

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Iā€™m not sure NPHET set it up so that Varadkar could knock it out of the park. He questioned their professional integrity, modus operandi and motivations there. Theyā€™ll be left reeling after that.