Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

They have been. Limerick is outside top 10 worst affected counties by their stupid cases per 100k metric, yet they keep mentioning it as a candidate for lockdown.

Letterkenny General Hospital must be completely over run given the surge of cases in Donegal?

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We have one of the highest minimum wages in the EU


It’s months of the same frustrated ranting from the same posters on a three or maybe four day cycle. Must be cathartic.

Stances have not, will not and must not change on tfk.


My stance hasn’t softened but I’m trying to post less cos I only end up ranting about it.

I’m pretty resigned to the fact that we will have nonsense restrictions in place for a lot of 2021 now

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And one of the highest costs of living. Anyway that’s besides the point.

The point is that the way we value work is wrong. We saw this year that the lowest paid workers are the most necessary and indispensable, and many would observe that they should be valued a bit more, and that many jobs that are pretty worthless to society are ridiculously overpaid.

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What about Ramadan?

People are worth what people are willing to pay them for doing a job. “Worthless” jobs are paid more than minimum wage jobs because less people are capable of doing them

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I wouldn’t agree with that principle either but in this situation it certainly applies. The LIDTF at all costs and for as long as is needed brigade should have some skin in the game too. A lot of them don’t at the moment or at least very little.

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The cases per 100k is the new R number. Completely arbitrary in a county the size of Donegal.

It’s frustrating to see no deaths again today and 6 deaths being denotified and the media again doubling down on the fear.

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Simon Harris; “Sometimes the virus likes to show us who’s boss” and “the next two weeks are crucial”.



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Mother of jaysis

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How do we stack up on inflation and cost of living?

Fucking hell.

Simon Harris; “The virus is still lethal and deadly and doesn’t wait for the next scheduled government meeting”.


I like how the government have anthropomorphised the virus. Attributing human characteristics to it like it’s the baddie in an episode of 24 that has Jack Bauer tied to a chemical weapon set to explode.


These restrictions will last until 2025 at least.

Governments and state juntas never willingly give up power ceded to them.


I bailed out when everybody suddenly became an expert on the constitution and genuinely feared the Gardai going around kicking down doors, I felt it had jumped the shark there.
Good that you’re posting less on the topic though :+1:

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