Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Princess Eugenie is knocked up

It saddens me to see lads weighing each otherā€™s posts as if they are scrap metal and not nuggets of gold in a crazy world.

Lads are cracking here


Would you prefer to see more deaths like?



Part of reading is comprehension.

Are rising cases being linked to a similar rise in deaths and ICU admissions anywhere in Europe? All that seems to be getting reported is the rise in case numbers. So far deaths donā€™t seem to be tracking cases here. Which is good. If this trend continues for another few months surely our whole approach needs to be reassessed.

Agreed, getting rid of half the civil service would be a good start, a bloated useless infrastructure inherited from the British and in need of a rethink since 1922.


Thereā€™s about 4 times as many cases now per day worldwide as there was back in March/April.

Deaths per day worldwide are a little over half what they were back in April :man_shrugging:

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The thing is for the vast majority of people life is going on more or less as normal. They still have their jobs and some are better off as they donā€™t have to commute any more. There will probably be economic shock waves down the line but most people live in the here and now and are selfish.

This is, economically speaking, like the first 20 minutes after the Titanic hit the iceberg. Everything seems fine but the ship is fatally holed.

Doom monger

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It actually does seem there is a magic money tree though. Iā€™m actually amazed there hasnā€™t been more comment about the tens of billions being pulled out of pathcals hole to pay for this while for years and years there are children with autism without school places and waiting years for diagnoses that would literally change their lives


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Donā€™t disagree on the point about autism but the money tree only exists because the entire EU is bolloxed. If this was an Ireland specific event weā€™d be back to Vincent Browne arguing with doom mongering eggheads again.


Thereā€™ll be an economic reset after this

Interest rates have been at zero for a long time and our ratings are good. Itā€™s a policy choice not to provide services for the weakest in society.

What do you reckon that will entail?

I wonder if Vincent was in Croker in 2018