Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Dunno myself. Probably a change in the currency reserve, debt forgiveness, some form of a living wage.

I’ve explained to you before that our ratings are good because we are viewed as fiscally prudent and any hint of profilagacy would be punished by the markets and our rates would no longer be zero.


There is a big push towards universal basic income alright as more and more jobs will no longer need to be done by people as AI keeps improving,

4th Industrial revolution by Klaus Schwab, head of the world economic forum aludes to a lot of that and more.

Not going to happen overnight either, but they seem to be aiming for 2030.

Debt forgiveness does not apply to us mate.


I’m always wary of statements like that like. Smacks of a Soviet Union in 1990 feel.

I can genuinely (and I know this is “doom mongering”) see enormous issues with this, economically. I hope I’m wrong and we’re back to normal ASAP but I think we are facing HUGE problems.


The economy is a challenge. It’s been up and down and bust and predicted to be finished. The markets are resilient.

Aviation was written off after 9/11. Everything slowly normalises and we get back to where we were.

Theres been many many crises and there has always been recovery.

The pandemic will end and the economy will recover.

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I genuinely hope you are right.

I do think people who frame this as “lives/health vs economy” massively underrate how many lives are lost due to economic crashes

Things are going to be different though, AI is going to take roughly 80% of peoples jobs within the next 10 years as things currently stand.

Thats the aim of the large multinationals anyway. Its not a secret - that’ll be a large element of the reset along with the Green element.

I think some people are overstating the economic impact. Most industries were deemed “essential” and remained open. Those that weren’t were held up by schemes and payments.

Theres plenty cash around and people will go mental spending

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You’ve been watching too many science fiction movies.

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Hopefully it won’t happen, but thats certainly the aim, mate.

I think the economic impact will be enormous. I reckon unemployment will get close to 40%.

Again I hope I’m wrong and I hope it doesn’t last too long.

The economy was fucked as soon as this was named a pandemic

But it will recover. Its self healing.

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Bit of an exaggeration


How do you know the aim of large multinationals, very few large multinationals are in the ai space

Computers are taking over brah. Once they are smart enough that we can get rid of the idiots driving them we are laughing.

Thats the aim of the large multinationals in financial services anyway mate.

Again, hopefully it doesnt happen - but all of their money from what I can see is being pushed into fintech companies, the advances in AI are staggering, I wouldnt rule it out.

And that world economic crowd out of Davos are worth listening to.

Is Dublin on lockdown? I haven’t been following the news at all