Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Some lads can’t be trusted in a crisis. It’s sad to see but it’s inevitable. The sort of fellas who would be shot by their own in a war.

I’d say youve a wim hof course organised for them to give that extra edge in the next naomh Olaf blitz

I have them reading the Flinch by Julien Smith

Less obnoxious Dutch cunts on the moon though. Swings and roundabouts

They’ll have towels out when you get there

Equally good cuisine in both places.

I’m Donald J Trump and I approve this message

That’s the chap I was on about @anon67715551

For a county that has produced a raft of thick cunts this fellow takes the biscuit. Doubtless he will be a while regaining status in the town after this debacle. The article is interesting in that its a “wet pub” to the best of my knowledge. He rocks up Saturday night and there’s lads scoffing away. They must have all slipped in the back door. Bizarre.


Doctors will be one of the first to go when AI ascends. Computers much better at diagnostics. When we refuse to lock down for the next pandemic that’s when skynet will kill us all.

Imagine a computer doing a check up to get of you have piles

The computer will have a human assistant to do that. Nurses will still be needed. We will save a fortune on consultants rhough so its not all bad.

Try telling a computer with integer Restriction Levels that you want to put Dublin at 2.5

The singularity will be for our own good.

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Yep. And there won’t be any food either. People will just have to take a little white pill each day and they’ll be sorted for food.


Huel Mk II

Pure Huel

Ah lads😃


Haven’t you been lied to enough?


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Is that @Tank crowd


8 to go. We’re getting through them