Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Time flys when you are having fun

Sunday week will be glorious. The crucial period our Taoiseach warned us about will be over.

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Youā€™re starting to unravel

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We need to pull together here. A rough 8 days and we can all be back to normal.

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This is a gamechanger lads. 6 months into the pandemic and the contact tracers are actually going to start ehā€¦ tracing contacts!


@Tim_Riggins vindicated

Was that what they were supposed to do all along?

It seems they were only tracing back 48 hrs but now they have realised the virus is clever and can hang around longer than that.

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The virus is very sneaky like that. Just waits to pounce.

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Once the virus went back on its word not to work on the weekends all bets were off

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Civil servants :grin:

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Massive sense of doom and gloom on the BOC show on Radio 1 this morning. ā€œWe are at the beginning of a curveā€

To be fair contact tracing is doomed to failure no matter what way you go about it.

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ā€œImpressive show of strength from Gardaiā€, ā€œring of Steelā€, ā€œComplacencyā€, " explosions of Covid",
ā€œ3 weeks of level 3 not enoughā€ yada yada yada

Itā€™s a pity NPHET and HSE donā€™t focus on what they can do rather than what public cannot do.

This must be a reaction to Nolan being exposed two weeks ago when he did not know where people were getting infected and to check was he said an ā€œacademic exerciseā€.


That sums it up succinctly.

The government should ban self service tills in the likes of Tesco and Aldi - who I presume have suffered very little in this pandemic. We need jobs for people and not bloody robots.


Iā€™ll be amazed if Luke Oā€™Neill isnā€™t Dancing with the Stars of the RTE canteen as soon as weā€™re allowed to touch each other again