Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Watching primetime wheel out the same wankers every couple of nights wonā€™t change thatā€¦


Misery loves company, and a lot of bags of unhappiness love the daily anxiety circle jerk and the opportunity to berate others for not reaching their lofty standards of propriety.


A move to releasing case figures every three days would be a gamechanger for everyoneā€™s mental health. It would break the cycle of doom and allow space for light-hearted news stories like the Yank Prezzie Election and Armenia vs Azerbaijan to breathe.

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I didnā€™t watch it tonight. Iā€™m delighted though people want to be informed. Anger will change things quicker than denial

A new world order?

that is very fair and considered analysis

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I hope they left a few pound with you

Looks like the Netherlands has fallen.

Sure they are only starting to wear masks now. A cavalier auld bunch, the Dutch.

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In fairness thereā€™s not a hope of controlling the virus in university towns like Cork and Galway.


More chance of the virus wearing itself out. Itā€™ll be an emotional wreck by Colours Night.

Itā€™s apples and oranges comparing us.

The missus got call this morning from hospital to postpone her procedure. Your man said he was flat out calling people who have no symptoms and tested positive.

Iā€™m making a break for it

Is that a few hundred students having a party on the islandy bit in the Claddagh? Surely thatā€™s a pretty thick move right beside a fast flowing river?

Iā€™m going to walk into town and film anyone I see walking too close to each other.

Straight onto the RTE Twitter and Joe Duffy then

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NPHET lads will do their two or three press conferences per week and make themselves available for soft Late Late interviews and the like, but avoiding DƔil committee scrutiny.


That is indeed extraordinary.

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The dweebs donā€™t like it up 'em.

What? You canā€™t just decline to appear in front of a DĆ”il Committee! Who do these jokers think they are. This should be a cause for ā€œthanks for your services ladsā€¦ā€

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Loads of comments in the replies supporting NPHET there. FFS