Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Charlie speaking sense here
Which celebrity medical expert will be on later?
Dr Sam, Luke Oā€™Neill, DeGarsun?

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Heā€™s a very fresh looking 71 year old

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Weed, and plenty of it Iā€™d imagine.


Sure his Mrs is a good 20+ years younger to keep him fresh

These Skype/zoom links are not working well tonight
Good think Charlie can talk all night

A lot of that has to do with working from home though. Which might continue even post covid.

Galway city wedged again tonight,students, Iā€™d say twitter will have a few videos up very soon

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This guy talking a lot of sense here on RTE 1 . Weā€™re reacting to Covid.

Even though I am now a close contact, my GP cannot officially refer me for a test under HSE guidelines. I need to wait for public health lads to ring me. I donā€™t have to self isolate. I only have to ā€œrestrict my movementsā€ for 14 days.

Charlie doing his best to be civil here


If children come home from college at the weekend would they technically be classed as a visitor from another household?

Youā€™ll do the right thing, other cunts donā€™t.

Fair play to Charlie for speaking up. But it should be pointed out that when he was employed by RTE he was a watery cunt who studiously avoided hard questions. He also hero worshipped Mary Robinson to an embarrassing degree.



Great scenes.


After an item on peopleā€™s rising anxiety levels they do this segment lol.

Long ago back in the good 'ol days before the dark veil of Covid-19 descended upon the world, most weekends I frequented a certain rural public house. Behind the bar an engraved brass plaque read "Free beer tomorrow"ā€¦ How cunningly clever I often remarked to my drunken self as I downed pint after pint.

Say your prayers, little one
Donā€™t forget, my son
To include everyone

I tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
Till the vaccine comes

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Weā€™re off to Neverā€”, Neverland

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Look away from those scenes of devastation and murder in Galway @EstebanSexface @carryharry @myboyblue

Back under the bed with ye cunts.

Youā€™re not in a good place are you?

Ladsā€¦ Honestly, take a few nights off from watching this shit. It will do wonders for your mindā€¦ Itā€™s been the same shite since mid march, you wonā€™t miss anything.


Iā€™ve been missing a genuine paycheck for over half a year now