Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

A lot of students coming back from the Holylands in Belfast.

Yeh I was commenting more on the scale and axis which are manipulated to make the increase look worse

Well the 116 is floating well above the 120 anyway

Could be down to pure stupidity, ignorance and lack of responsibility

Some top notch graph manipulation there.

Might end up in school text book

download (1)

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A bit sense


theyā€™d better start hoping people in the 18-24 bracket actually experience some form of symptoms or maybe get a few in hospital soon enough as this whole thing is becoming a pretty tough sell at the momentā€¦
ā€œ>50% of cases in the last week were people under 30ā€
" did any of them have any form or symptoms?"
" well maybe a mild cough in a few casesā€¦"



Effectively, it is just a bad flu but a lot more contagious? Right?

Yes. And it has loyalist leaningsā€¦

I always wear a crucifix chain, will that protect me?


Anyone with symptoms guaranteed a six one slot. Queue all the attention seekers in that bracket to be on deaths door

Depends where you insert itā€¦

Liveline doing their bit for Project Fear leading with Galway last night a publican from Galway leading with that heā€™s thinking of closing already unable to manage his punters who are mingling between tables, not wearing masks going to the jacks etc.

What about the lids of the cisterns?

there was some fella from UCC even getting retweeted by the Taoiseach, it was brilliant stuff, he was giving live updates from his hospital bed via twitter

I believe I linked that here last night. Scandalous carry on. It was funny he runs a political blog. Heā€™ll get great coverage out of it.

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@Lazarus whinged about not be allowed to open for months. Yet here he is wetting the bed and threatening to close up again.

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