Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I’ve switched on there. McConkey doesn’t know what to do :joy:

They’ll still be a massive bunch of cunts?

Golfers just stuck 20 drivers up McConkeys hole there.

Dr Emmett Brown from Back to the Future won that convincingly.


Right we need to grab mconckey and tar and feather him and maybe cut his tongue out. It just has to be done im afraid.


Feeny was very impressive there. A real intellectual.


Sounds like McDonkey wants another 3 month severe lockdown up to Christmas.

Very composed throughout

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From the old school

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Very persuasive.

Who’s the yank that looks vaguely like Marty Morrissey?

Sam McWanker is a busted flush now.

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I’ve heard McConkey mentioning Greenland and the Faroes before. How does no one pull him up on that. What horseshit

George Lee stating that Under 30 infected rates jumping upwards of 50% & over 50’s dropping to 17% all with deaths low on the news earlier was a tad bizarre from him also.

He’s either doing his job or forgot what numbers mean.

Are the Off Licences public enemy No1 in Galway at the moment @Lazarus?

I see College goers in the UK are being told they might be allowed home for Xmas. Is Boris trying to turn colleges into COVID orgie centres?

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Revolving door
Petrification levels increase for Irish journo’s when the hard questions need to be asked. There a lot of moolah as we all well know on the advisor/spin circuit

A distant 2nd after the meat factories

How many Meat Factories are in Galway?

He’s predicted 80,000 to 120,000 deaths in Ireland. He’s said we’ll have 5,000 cases a day. Why anyone still takes him seriously is beyond me


I heard that too. :slightly_smiling_face:

Some good points from Dr Feeley - we were asked to do our thing to flatten the curve and we did and it was more successful than they expected. Now we’ve had the goalposts shifted.

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Google it. They dont care about peoples lives sadly