Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

This one on the tonight show from FG is taste.

Woolberto has been a revelation during this pandemic. He’s lining up McConkey for a knockout blow tonight

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:thinking: .

She’s had a top up on her botox

She has a bould head on her.

Cheekbones a tad high there alright

Wollie is fighting the good fight against official Ireland.

Not being able to spell Sweden has slightly diminished the gravity of his message.

That’s how they spell it below

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Great to see McConkey is getting torn a new one on Twitter

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FFGer sees no issue with ex colleagues going straight into lobbying for banks/big business SHOCKER

She did say she had an issue with it

She feels personally let down bless her

Pearse ripping her a new one

The blue check marks deriding Wooly as a pound shop Trevor Giles hasn’t halted his gallop

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Eldest got tested yesterday and just got a negative result, gets tonsillitis on and off and he was fairly certain that’s what it was MIDOC wouldn’t even see him Sunday just prescribed an antibiotic and booked him in for the test.

Another 70 posts on the exchanges on Primetime tonight— riveting.

Silly fucker…and them running home to mammy every weekend. But Christmas grabs the headlines.
What the fuck is going on in the world that they don’t want us to see. Covid might just be cover for a meat pie tax. @Tank knows

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