Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

The Chinese seem to design viruses the same way they do electrical products. You donā€™t really know what you are going to get until you open the box.

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A great bunch of lads though.

Massive work ethic.

Communism at its finest.

In it to win it.

Weā€™re at nothing here.
One half of the class would be licking the basketballs and the other half robbing them.


A surgical destruction of McWanker. I wonder has he been picked up off the floor yet.


I can see why Ewan couldnā€™t stick it around here, heā€™s an unfunny cunt.

Edit: Ewan probably thinks thatā€™s edgy.


It hasnā€™t stopped you.


Oh great, this cunt again.

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Still waiting for our call to contact trace and arrange tests.

Itā€™s a bit late now really

ā€œItā€™s like the frog thatā€™s in the water, thatā€™s cold to start with and gradually heating up. The frog never jumps out of the water, because it doesnā€™t realise the danger itā€™s in from being boiled aliveā€¦ we really need to jump rather than sit like the frog.ā€

my god mcconkeyā€¦ I mean, seriously. thisā€¦


thatā€™s bad.

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I think they know a case without symptoms is a cod.

Communism was only a cod

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The mind of a serial killer right there. God knows what heā€™s at in that lab behind closed doors.

Some of these academics should disappear out of the limelight and go back to their labs and do some real work if they donā€™t want to completely undermine the public health message they profess to care about so much.