Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Yeh the suspected cases in hospital falls from 217 to 85 intraday so as you say the onus is to disprove they have it

That number is more or less the same every day

Not unless they post something ill-advised on Twitter. Or go golfing.

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Or disagree with the narrative

Tis easy build the buildings. They only shutdown a new ward they’d built there just before covid because they’d no staff

The diminutive norn iron minister for health robin swan has informed us that born iron stands at a crossroads

Spain is in a worse place

200 odd deaths and Madrid is riddled

According to the apparent compromise deal that Mr Illa unveiled at a press conference on Tuesday evening, the new restrictions will apply to urban areas throughout Spain with infection rates of 500 cases or more per 100,000 people over 14 days, with high occupation rates for intensive care beds, and where 10 per cent or more of coronavirus tests are positive.

The bar for restrictions seems high but Madrid currently running at 785 per 100k

I presume those numbers are high as they are relative to Spanish health care capacity and proficiency. I believe they have a strong health system

The bodies must be piling up on the streets

About 1k this week. May the lord have mercy


Maybe we should loan them Nphet to show them how its done right

I’m sure the Spaniards would welcome NPHET with open arms.

They endured the most draconian restrictions in Europe for the guts of 3 months. You couldn’t go outside the door

And yet 1k deaths in the last week as you say youself. Makes you kinda wonder a little

The restrictions had been lifted for a while. They’ll have to stop it again and then try get the balance right.

…or just let people get on with their lives and control the risks they are willing to take. At this stage I’m not sure there is anything governments can do to control people further, they have lost so much credibility.

Restrictions achieve nothing really in other words


1000 unread posts I’m not reading but tell me lads, are more counties going to level 3 this weekend?