Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Cork will I’d say

Supposed to be heading to Cork for the weekend tomorrow :pensive:

Speculation last week was that restrictions would be confined to the city

How do they determine whats city and not city I wonder

You’ll be grand, Dublin is the issue numbers wise.

I couldn’t see Galway avoiding a lockdown if Cork gets one.

I’d say belt away down anyway horse. Sure if the restrictions come in it will be from midnight Friday and you’ll already be down.

Kilmallock FCA are putting up a border at the Garrienderk bridge.


Varadkar looking to come out from under the bed this morning.

Seems he’ll be on a collision course with the NPHET dorks. They’re continuing to speak with complete assurance that their further lockdown recommendations will be implemented.

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Varadkar is just a commentator at this stage.

Doing nothing to help the situation.

I think it’s fair to say Leo is wide to this virus and is thinking outside the box finally.

All the while that Nemo cunt is bumbling & blathering the country into depression.


If only Leo was in a position of power

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Here we go lads. Wish me luck


Great stuff from Big Jim there.

That prick Philip Nolan badly rattled. How dare anyone have the temerity to question him or NPHET.

We’re at about 40 here this week.

what was Dublin when they pulled the trigger?

Welcome to 6 months ago Leo.


Doctor Tony is going back to work next week.


It’s not really high enough yet to close down Cork or Galway, they’ll get another weeks grace