Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

All 50,000 lines of it?


Ya right, like the time they told us they were able to sell Fair City abroad.


Alaska and Hawaii.

Someone told me if youā€™re asymptomatic with Covid you donā€™t develop the antibodies.

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Is this the same fella @peddlerscross talks to?

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No idea, it was a work contact in the UK who is sure he must have had Covid but no symptoms as the other half had it. Was told the antibody test mightnā€™t be any use.

Have you contacted Dr Tony with this groundbreaking info?


Ah for fucks sake. Have you waved Kryptonite in front of a badger and tested him for superwowtivity lately?

I see there are strong feelings in here regarding antibodies.

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Likely incorrect. People who are asymptomatic are infected and shed virus, they just have a weaker immune response and when tested have much lower level of antibodies. Remember that by and large itā€™s the immune response that makes people sick, so being positive but having no symptoms indicates a weak immune response.

Doesnā€™t that make a vaccine dangerous, if the immune response is more responsible for damage?

This is not entirely true. The PCR test could indicate the existence of incomplete traces of a virus, which does not mean the person is infected. Hence the elevated false positives. The PCR is simply not a diagnostic test. Every reference to ā€œpositiveā€ tests should carry a disclaimer.

Iā€™ve just read this. In fact Iā€™ve read it twice. It blew my mind, and then I thoughtā€¦ nahā€¦ thatā€™s just bolloxā€¦

No (in theory at least), because the vaccine trains the immune system to respond to effectively a minor infection so it has the right antibodies or T cells to respond to a real infection. The issue with Covid for many people is it is a new pathogen, so the immune system throws everything it can at it (cytokine storm).

No, itā€™s accurate. Do you want the relevant scientific research to back it up?

It indicates your test is a load of shit.

Did you read that on Zero Hedge?

Yes. It was in the comments section on the article you PMā€™d me.

Yes iā€™d love it. But are you not about to reference some evidence about how extreme immune reactions can lead to aggressive auto immune responses which are more damaging than the virus itself.
But that itā€™s just that, extremely rare, and not a matter of course as your post suggests.

Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s correct. Itā€™s the immune system overreacting that is causing the worst symptoms. The wording might seem counter initiativeā€¦: