Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

That is indeed the case on the extreme off chance that it virulently attacks young* people apparently. The point is that that is a very extreme and infrequent reaction to the virus. Mostly, itā€™s very very manageable.

Itā€™s the word ā€œpositiveā€ that I struggled with. The rest was fine.

I read a comment on YouTube that listening to Spartaā€™s new album can cure COVID-19.

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I see absolutely no reason why that wouldnā€™t be correct.

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There is no relevant scientific research to back it up, but Iā€™m happy to run with it.

Iā€™m no doctor, no scientist, no achiever, etc, etc, etc but that reads loudly to my inebriated mind that this virus was man made.

Why else would a virus want itā€™s visit to the nightclub to shut the venue down? Sick cuntā€¦

It is true that there are false positives, mainly people who have had the virus and recovered but still have traces. Itā€™s incorrect to say the PCR test is not a diagnostic test, itā€™s the most accurate and sensitive diagnostic test we have, as itā€™s looking at strands of RNA of the specific SARS 2 virus.

This is incorrect as well. Why almost no kids are showing symptoms is a bit of a mystery, and totally unlike other respiratory diseases. There is a theory out there which is that kids have a very specific immune ability to fight off new viruses as they can be deadly to them, and we lose this ability somewhat as we get older. But itā€™s ā€œjust a theoryā€.

Ok. Youā€™re honing in on the use of the words ā€˜young peopleā€™. Fair enough. I donā€™t mean kids. And neither did @Tim_Riggins in his post Iā€™m pretty sure*
Youā€™ve decided to have a fightā€¦? Well thatā€™s fine. Far from the numbers proving that the young have adverse outcomes, itā€™s pretty clear the young have little or no adverse outcomes on average. Thatā€™s borne out by the numbers, no matter how many horrific sob stories we may be projected to.
To be clear, I hope it doesnt happen cos the little lad and the little lady are up for their ā€˜proper trainigā€™

You have a wonderful way of playing with words. The PCR is not an accurate diagnosis of pathogenesis. It is used to take a very small sample of DNA and amplify it to a large enough amount for lab techs to study. I will agree with you that it is a sensitive test, or more correctly an extremely sensitive one. It needs to be. Again, it is not an appropriate method to use to diagnose illness, which is what it is being touted as day in, day out.

This is why the NY Times reported recently that up to 90% of the daily ā€œcase countā€ are false positives.

RNA not DNA. The rest of your post is gibberish.

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I think we are fully in agreement on this, if I understand what you are saying correctly. The fact people who are exposed to the virus have no symptoms or mild symptoms means their immune system quickly eliminates the virus or the cells that have become infected, most likely because they already have antibodies or T cells from a prior coronavirus infection, or in the case of kids they are just good at fighting off new pathogens. The people who get in trouble with this illness are primarily people with compromised immune systems for a variety of reasons, other diseases and old age mostly.

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Having re read this, I think the confusion is over the word weak. By weak I mean less aggressive and more targeted, so no cytokines storm. I know explaining=losing, etc.

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Nobody has a fucking clue lads.

The viroligists canā€™t understand it
The epidimioligists therefore overreact
The politicians are shitting themselves

Nice to live in a well-organised, self-disciplined country.

Itā€™s a novel virus mate.

With the occasional flaying of those that offend (mostly black people).

The PCR test will detect (or not) the presence of viral RNA. Seeing as the main purpose of testing is to assess whether people are ā€œcarryingā€ viral DNA and are hence risk of transmission as opposed to whether theyā€™ll get sick it seems to be effective in that regard.

You also seem very hung up on the false positive rate - Iā€™d suggest that you are significantly over-stating the impact this has in inflating no of cases.

I could write a book on it.

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