Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died


We caught one.

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Youā€™re surely hunting bigger fish than that

No. A different fella.

Now getting back to my hatred of Martin and all his little habits. This is a shot of him doing that fang thing when he thinks heā€™s making a crucial point. The teeth at the side of his mouth are about to pop out. Look at his head. Just look at his cuntish head. And whatever communications company he uses have told him to do these stupid hand gestures too. He lifts his fist up in front of himself like in the picture or makes circles with one hand held in front of his stomach at other times. Then he throws in an ā€œoverarchingā€ or two. The country surely canā€™t go on with this clown in charge. Itā€™s not tenable.


When a government becomes as accident prone as this one is it wonā€™t end well.



Iā€™ve just watched that Six One interview. Itā€™s borderline incredible; he thinks heā€™s in the right and everyone else just doesnā€™t get it. Then he complained at the end that the opposition arenā€™t acting like he acted when he was ā€œin oppositionā€. Fucking hell.

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How many times did he say ā€œfundamentallyā€?

he just canā€™t communicate its as simple as that the non verbal communication as you noted is even worse hes done and so is his party. We need another election and it will be a straight fight between Leo and Mary Lou to lead the next government.

For all your guff what contribution will you be remembered for during Covid? Going to hospital with a pain in your tummy and shitting yourself in the phoenix park

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The Carkies circling the wagons fairly quickly

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Updated electoral area breakdown of cases

Nearly 400 per 100k where I am

Settle down lads. Itā€™ll all be in the new booklet we get sent. Thatā€™s the plan.

In a way there are many similarities between the church of Scientology and the main protagonists involved with Covid 19 in Ireland. They both consume hours of your everyday life, they are absolutely everywhere, there are dark forces deployed by both to keep the followers and dissenters in check and under no circumstances can you question or break ranks. If you do you may lose your job in both instances.

At least with scientology the concept of ā€œgoing clearā€ is a simple enough idea that people seem to buy into when compared to Zero covid followers and the path to stage 1 of Irelands 5 stage plan. It seems more realistic and Ron Hubbard is far more convincing and likeable than Micheal Martin.


Was even Cowen as out of his depth as Martin when questioned?

I thought he did reasonably well there.

Donnelly tests negative!

Donnelly tested negative

Health Minister Donnelly is COVID-19 NEGATIVE

Second is nowhere mateā€¦