Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

NPHET are not fit for purpose. They can bring back Holohan all they like but they are going to lose a lot of people over this.


Why are they leaking this tonight? Cabinet need to meet and reassure people this is not going to happen.

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There is no justification for a countrywide lockdown. Nphet have lost the run of themselves completely, the shower of cunts.

People won’t accept that or abide by it. No chance.


Sleepy Ryan may get his wish.

It’s outrageous. I’m seething.


As NPHET do what they like. Look at how many member there are, it will leak.

They are a talking shop but there are so many in the country who think they’re geniuses.

I still don’t blame them for the initial reaction and March/April but come on.

How are are they seen as amazing out there? Because cases fell after they locked everyone at home? They called case numbers out on a sheet and Nolan plugged them into a template created by Imperial College.

This goes exactly back to what you said about them weeks ago, it’s always what the public needs to do and nothing on them. Contact trace beyond 48 hours? An “academic excercise”.


They’ll be fuck all open we won’t have much of a choice tbh :slightly_frowning_face:

I’d say it’s no coincidence that the bald fucker came back last week and we’re going to level 5 this week.


It’s time to resist

The government need to seriously man the fuck up here.

McWanker is on top of the world tonight I’d imagine dreaming of level 5.


Might be the best thing to have happened. People might wake the fuck up now to these “experts”


Do these cunts realise that part of this island is under a different governmental jurisdiction?

5km rule - no way will I abide by that,

I’ll also visit family and friends whenever I want.

This is scandalous stuff from Nphet even to contemplate given where we are hospital numbers and ICU wise currently.

Hopefully people will wake up to these scientist pricks now.


Dr. Cervical Check should have had the intelligence to stay away while he was being lauded as some kind of hero

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I must buy some paint tomorrow.

Fnar fnar
(Finnbarr Saunders etc)

I’d planned on getting up on the wife tonight.
Ah well…

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At the very least NPHET need to publish rationale for this? Tangible reasons for it.

Dweebhal Lehane just said on the news that the proposals in the letter have been greeted with strong political resistance from the people he’s spoken to