Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

The cabinet will just bend over.,

Did i hear right - Israel the only other country in a level 5ish situ?

You did

Yeah right

Belgium don’t even report daily cases* anymore

  • positive PCR tests

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy I’m joining the greens im agreeing with Eamon twice in a week. Wheres my bike?


Nope, this is their time, this is their shot

Rise up

When you’re living on your knees, you rise up
Tell your brother that he’s gotta rise up
Tell your sister that she’s gotta rise up

Rise up

Ireland is a beautiful mix of cowards, sheep and most of all morons.


They couldn’t, surely?

What was it @Tassotti used to say?

Surely this is political posturing. Tony’s crew want Level 3 or 4. Leak Level 5 knowing it won’t happen and accept the govts response to move us all to Level 3. Do it on a Sunday night and leak the shite out of it to scare people shitless so people take the restrictions seriously to avoid getting to Level 5.


What is the difference between level 3 and 4?


The wording of messages from the social media influencers paid by the government

NPHET are actually dangerous nutcases the more you think about it.


They are an expert group and shouldn’t be playing politics. They should articulate why a level is needed and leave it at that. If they are asking for a higher level than they feel they need then that’s even worse.

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4 closes down most sports and indoor activity.

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say a level 5 for 4 weeks blows a hole in the numbers, open it up then again a bit and you end up in a level 5 again eventually, is this the ring a ring a rosy we are stuck in for eternity unless we find a vaccine


Is Holohan sour because Pallas beat Cappamore in the east junior b I wonder?


Tony is like that strict teacher who comes back into a class that have been acting the bollix and just know they’re in for it.

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