Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

The soccer results today should ensure at least half the country will voluntarily shit themselves off in any case.

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Students can spread it too sure. In schools of over 1,000 it must be very difficult to control.

No but the gga ignored that rule

If you and I know they have lost credibility then it’s not credible that those tasked with running the country don’t feel the same. Nphet is a convenient bogey man at this stage, they can and should be told to step aside.

A bad day for the two opposite factions in the great Irish divide.

Ya but if everyone is only staying at home they’re less likely to have it

If 70% are asymptomatic… Surely half the country have had this thing by now?


Do you consider inter county GAA an elite sport

The reality is that argument was lost when London College issued their model in early March and chased the herd immunity lads. Literally every western government lost their minds that week and haven’t rediscovered them since. We have effectively pursued a zero covid strategy and it’s an absolute shambles.


Bang on


Ignoring that though they had junior hurling games on in Dublin

The biggest mistake made by the Western World for decades.

The first time we tried to “stop a virus”


Its warm up north

So NPHET have gone public that they are advising we move to level 5, how likely is it that the government will go against this advice? Say they leave us as we are or maybe bump Dublin to 4 and the numbers keep getting worse then they’ll be hammered for ignoring NPHET.

That’s the issue.

All along it has been “we must follow the advice of the medical experts.”

Now, if they ignore them they’ll have the under the bed brigade screaming that they killed people by disregarding the advice of “Tony” and the NPHET cabal.

These NPHET jokers need to go. We could set up a new quango and call it Bòrd na Ròna or something, throw a gazillion quid at it and by the time they get around to actually coming up with recommendations this virus will be a distant memory. We’d probably get a tribunal or 2 out of it into the bargain.


Loads of comfortable middle class people nodding away, sure they can open up the laptop in the AM.

“The zoom quizzes were great anyway”


that is what is bothering them right now, ignore NPHET recommendation or downgrade it, mood will change if deaths increase


Deaths will increase, that’s inevitable. So will those in hospitalisations.

The thing is that it doesn’t matter to what extent it does because we took on a “save all lives” mantra in April and May.

We stored many problems up then. That’s on Varadkar and Harris imo, they went along with the feel good factor of dropping cases.

As I said at the time, why weren’t we considering reopening sections of the economy when the Danes started doing it? We didn’t even have the discussion in Ireland for another month. Yes the Danes ended up with lower cases and deaths, but at the time they started reopening they had conducted a similar number of tests and had similar number of cases. They started reopening once hospitalisations began to fall. We waited nearly 7 weeks from the peak to do so, “flattening the curve” died at that point.