Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died



Mama always told me, life’s like a box of chocolates

Tipp lads and critical thinking isnt mutually exclusive it seems.

She’ll be writing Tony Holohan thank you cards for life

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Lads, we need to trust NPHET, they are the ones with the experience of handling plenty of previous pandemics.

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tenor (3)


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Lads will be back convincing themselves that cans of Guinness are just as good as pints by Halloween


Hes a hypochondriac with a dose of asthma

IMHO there is decent compliance to the general messages on covid. Social distancing mask wearing and washing hands etc. Genuine question have they helped stop the spread or is this actually airborne? we haven’t a hope of stopping spread and restrictions are a cod.


We need Tubridy to address the nation on his radio broadcast tomorrow
The country needs a hero

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Probably shouldn’t wear a bag over his head if he has asthma

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Some amount of bitching and fighting going on, on social media between LIDTF fetishists and OIUTF merchants. Even the rugby hacks are having a go at the GAA.

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It most definitely is airborne, but it looks like you’d need to be close to someone who is shedding lots of virus to get infected. So, if you have a group of people in close proximity and one is spreading virus, everyone is likely to get infected, whether they are wearing a rag around their face or not. Restrictions slow the spread but only to a degree, keeping your distance from people is the best way to avoid infection, and if you are in close proximity with people like in a shop, wear a surgical mask properly sealed on your face.

The only thing that could realistically work in stopping spread is draconian measures where everyone is not allowed leave their homes for several weeks and obviously no visitors allowed into the country ever again.

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the GAA have completely disregarded all these things

broke all the rules


Cork GAA has put us all at risk

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Cork GAA bringing us closer to herd immunity :clap:

Rules are there to be broken