Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Yeah but Irish soccer have been practising social distancing for decades now. Most people wouldnā€™t look over the ditch at it.


And for a match that was barely intermediate standard too

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Finger pointing between gga and soccer is counterintuitive lads, we need solidarity and direct the anger back at ffg NPHET and the constantly righteous.

Gaa have been a shower of arrogant cunts this last Covidā€¦

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Demanding a meeting with Glynn
Having no social distancing at games
Allowing junior games to be played in Dublin

Tbh, Iā€™m seething because they got a different set of rules to everyone else

The GAA have never followed any rules, even their own.

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Itā€™s more they demanded a different set of rulesā€¦ And then the add on TV about nothing else but how great the GAA is really made me seethā€¦

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I guess after 120 years they have no rule on how to tackle

Has someone got your login?

I like watching matches but the self indulgent shit re the GAA is the greatest thing ever annoys meā€¦ Plenty of other sports helping communities with far less political or financial muscleā€¦


Volunteers in the GGA are put up on a pedestal, nobody mentions that every sport needs and has volunteers

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What about the lad keeping a boxing club going somewhere whoā€™ll never have a winner or any recognitionā€¦just does it to get lads out of mischief. ā€¦


Cork fellas circling the wagons here

My daughter has the symptoms, I canā€™t go to work today, she has to be tested, theyā€™re gonna contact us later

Sorry about that. Teachers are dropping like flies here. Only a matter of time before schools go on line.

Hope it all turns out ok for you and your family.

It was cuntish from NPHET to leak that letter late on a Sunday evening. It has only created more fear and uncertainty.


Colleague of mine confirmed with it as well. Sizeable outbreak linked to a challenge the county minors played in Galway last week, that fellaā€™s son was on the panel. Trying to figure out who was in contact with him last week now

It was absolutely outrageous and should be investigated.

@Bisto Iā€™d agree that the GAA have handled the attrndance at venues very poorly and made no effort to distance supporters in stands.

On pitch celebrations havenā€™t been a great look either, but once they are restricted to the player and management bubbles they arenā€™t a whole pile different to training or playing.


Do they think it spread on the field of play or in a pre/post match gathering?

Pre & post. Questionable decision of putting the young lads on a bus together up to Galway :man_facepalming:t2:

Some suggestion that one of the panel had been tested and went to the match before getting his results back