Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

What is the point of doing any of those things if I canā€™t log them here?


They are elite

Thatā€™s within the guidelines

Any ratings of the shitness of the countryā€™s health service?

A GP and NPHET member Dr Mary Favier was on Morning Ireland there and basically said the reason theyā€™re recommending another countrywide lockdown (when nowhere else in Europe is facing one) is because of Irelandā€™s chronically underfunded and under-resourced health service.

Burn the bitch.

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If you were to be in a car crash and you were seriously injured there would be no guarantee theyā€™d be an ICU bed for you, is the line they were gong with.

Fear Fear Fear.

Weā€™ve the gaa and their meaningless behind closed door championship to thank for this.

Both these tweets showed up together in my twitter feed last night

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Maybe the constantly outraged can learn to be happy at the joy the club championship has brought rather than bashing the gga and public. Comply or we all die. Misery for all


In all seriousness. Stop. Just stop now. Adults are discussing adult things here. Be gone wit this blathering, or at least take it to the Limerick thread.

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Tubridys in box flooded with people complaining about the gaa.

The games shouldnā€™t have gone ahead without testing the players. Weā€™ve seen in the nfl, epl and rugby how many positives there is every though their pro athletes making a big effort.

The optics are a disaster.

I get the vibe here from Paul that heā€™s a bit like ā€œeh fuck, maybe I overegged thisā€. He will want empty beds all winter as heā€™ll look like a great boy but if hospitals are half empty by December then thereā€™ll be other questions asked. Iā€™m guessing he was hoping this would be announced in around 4 weeks, just in time for flu season.

The simple fact is with no testing and no fans they should never have played Organised adult games.

We are now facing into more restrictions because of this stuff but unlike pubs or hotels or whatever else the gaa players donā€™t earn a living off playing.

Itā€™s very unfair on league of Ireland soccer players and what not who could see their sole income go up in smoke.

Can they please stop testing?

Forkhill GGA disgraced themselves

Itā€™s very simple the health system and schools/education need to be protected First and foremost.

Than we need to keep as many people going to work as possible. Whether itā€™s pro sports people or people clearing glasses from tables.

Then stuff like the gaa where people arenā€™t relying on an income from an activity should fall into place.

It must be tough on a publican who was closed for months to watch the gaa bring the house of cards down.

Itā€™s also obvious there needs to be testing or proper social distancing.

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Thatā€™s a hell of a strawman that you are hoisting up there lad.

It is great that the club championship, and other sports/competitions, have been able to progress. That provides joy to thousands of people around the country.

These competition/games are able to progress due to an understanding that they will be run in line with protocols.

However, a succession of incidents from GAA competitions show clubs/supporters going well past the guidelines and the clubs/GAA authorities having little influence in stopping that. Itā€™s notable how quick GAA central authorities were out to criticise NPHET and to insist that they could run events safely and how slow they have been to react to a growing phenomenon.

Thatā€™s not to say that there are lots of GAA clubs running things correctly - of course there are. I know from my own rugby club the amount of effort that goes into the new Covid rules and that is to be admired from any voluntary sporting club.

That being said, the very public breaches of guidelines at multiple GAA games easily allows NPHET and others to effectively shut-down sport (and other sports not just GAA) or remove supporters attendance. To go back to your point - the actions of some, which havenā€™t been controlled effectively by the organisation, are jeopardising the joy of many thousands.

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