Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

As I understand it, it’s spread far more easily indoors. A covid Mary in an enclosed space is what really does it.

Don’t forget everyone is moaning about the restrictions due to the impact on the economy. The club gaa championships currently are benefitting very little to economy so the fact they are going ahead without testing is not really fair on businesses around country that are opening and closing as cases rise.

It’s like pretty much everything else in society, the longer it’s gone on the more peoples guard has slipped.

At the resumption of games the attention to detail at GAA clubs was phenomenal (I would have said OTT myself), but now that things have been running for a few months, coupled with the fact it’s finals time, has seen clubs seriously slip up in implementing the protocols.


It’s ridiculous to be honest and it’s very unfair on people.

Weren’t you in Cheltenham at the height of it all. Give it a rest


What happened up North was just blatant disregard

Hefty fines should be handed down to Clubs seen to have a hand in these outbreaks.

The GAA did issue this last weekend:

A RĂșnaĂ­ a chara,

As part of our policy of reviewing our Covid restrictions on an ongoing basis and following engagement with NPHET, we are requesting that all of our units actively discourage huddles before, during and after games in the days and weeks ahead.

We are also asking for all of our teams to avoid the following:

Team photographs (unless in seated area conforming to social distancing)
Shaking hands with other players and personnel
Celebrations and commiserations involving close physical contact

Players are also expected to:

follow Public Health Advice with respect to personal hygiene and etiquette
social distance from broadcasters if and when being interviewed
refrain from swapping their shirts
avoid congregating in indoor areas or passing through pitch-side tunnels at the same time as opponents.

These guidelines should be discussed with all teams who are still involved in competitions.

We appreciate the challenges some of these restrictions pose but as public health measures and as part of GAA efforts to tackle the spread of the virus, compliance is crucial.

Is Muidne,

Seán Ó hÓráin Tomás Ó Riain

UachtarĂĄn Ard StiĂșrthĂłir

We could probably be returning to the most draconian lockdowns in the world and you have simpletons here worried about GAA games and scenes after a county final. Not ICU capacity, Govt accountability etc.


Not worth a fuck if not seen to have a big stick with it.

From reports, compliance levels to guidelines society wide in the North seem to be very poor.
It probably compares with the areas in the South where initial surge of cases came from in the second wave. Areas which would traditionally not have been too fond of taking direction from authority.

The gaa country wide do not give a fuck. They’ve completely ignored the protocols and add very little to the economy and none of players rely on playing gaa as an income.

They should be stopped from playing until they start testing and start adhering to the protocols.

You can’t complain about restrictions if your standing over the carry on at recent gaa games. It’s exactly what we deserve.



A wishy washy nothing statement.


Absolutely worthless. Frank wouldnt even release such a statement. He’d ring everyone of them personally and bollock the fuck out of them. There wouldnt be an All Ireland ticket for 2 years.

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The behind closed doors meaningless Club championships will have us back in level 5 watching the 2004 Munster final again.

You couldn’t make it up.

Stop whinging.

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The only, or at least primary, justification for level 5 seems to be ICU capacity from what I am hearing. That’s pretty shameful from the HSE. They’d had months to improve things.

If we move to level 5 now, we nuke the economy. How can any business (aside from maybe a massive multinational) function like this?

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