Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Outstanding :fist:

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I’m not actually complaining about the level of regulations more the name on them. It’s all about PR now and surely giving Dublin different regulations to the rest of the country while still saying they are on level 2, on the very day they announce the levels!, is absolutely ridiculous and just makes a big laugh of the whole thing at the worst possible time.


It’s Spinal Tap logic. If you have six stages instead of five it implies there are a greater range of threat levels and a further distance between the lowest level and the safest. bad for morale

Lads you can have 6 people from different families in a restaurant but only 6 from 2 different families in your gaff? Is this correct?

Yes, the restaurant is a controlled environment*

*I’m completely guessing

Is there any real incentive to get to Level 1 bar a few more at a wedding maybe?

Leo going through the 4 Ws now on Prime Time.

The 5 Ds Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge would be more appropriate for the bould Leo

You’ve dodge there twice, pal. Deflect would do grand as one of those.

Not sure if serious


Leo floundering, what odds Donnelly pulled the intentional sicky to put Leo in the hotseat? It was the Minister for Health doing the media rounds earlier, Leo looks under prepared. He’s too canny for any trampoline like comments nonetheless

I thought it meant that of the positive tests 1-3% may be false

A runny egg…

Anytime Leo, Micheál or Donnelly get asked a tough question they always refer to NPHET.

Lols that made laugh.

I want to throw a wrench at him

Sweden to be on the green list!

That Berlin and bohola analogy was horrendous mims

Miriam worried she can’t travel to Bohola now.

People are discouraged from travelling outside of Dublin, but the travel advice is people are free to fly to green list countries and the government is no longer discouraging foreign travel.

I knew I’d get a good laugh off this

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