Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

And now to hear the opinions of the great unwashed.

Dublin is more dangerous than the green list/traffic light countries

But Dubs can fuck off to Berlin and infect away :joy:

And hereā€™s Wank Staines!

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That goes without saying

Italy on Sunday is on :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:


We put in a dissenting opinion but we made sure he looked like a mad bastard.
We found someone who works in pubs who doesnā€™t want them to open for another 6 months. Probably happy out on the ā‚¬350


Why isnā€™t Staines wearing a mask tonight?

ā€œThe situation is fluidā€ according to Niall Collins.

He was when the camera panned and itā€™s on his lap as a subliminal warning

They rarely win anywhere.

He just took it off the cunt

The man has never had an opinion in his life. Why would he start now

Itā€™s all the governmentā€™s fault. NPHET spit out shit and they donā€™t stand up to any of it. They should just give up. Disband in fact.

Iā€™d say heā€™s an insufferable cunt.

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There are five phases that are clearly laid out, and room for flexibility on each phase says Niall



It was communicated clearly.
What about travel?
That was clarified



Tipped away up to Donegal there. Log on to TFK. A summary:

Croke Park can host attendances of 200 people. Fedamore can host attendances of 100 people.
Dublin gets 2 (and a bit) out of 5.
The Health Minister has COVID!
The Government is SUSPENDED!
The Government is NOT SUSPENDED!
I can go to SWEDEN but not DUBLIN!
The Health Minister actually has a COLD!

Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve missed plenty. What a country!


The gameā€™s up. This is just their way of leaving the field while making themselves look important