Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

@Julio_Geordio @artfoley @flattythehurdler @Perez2017

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Did McDonkey really say thisā€¦ What a clown



He did. Pat Kenny to be fair said, eh all teenagers have mobile phones, but Sam was worried they were going around with old Nokias that couldnā€™t download the app. Then Sam pointed out himself that u18ā€™s couldnā€™t download the app. He said this should be changed. If only he was in a position of influence

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I think the good Doctor needs to take some time away from been on the airwaves

Alan ā€œAK 47ā€ Kelly on the news at 1 now, I expect Alan to attack NPHET with gusto

Is he part of NPHET?

All GAA club activity cancelled.

He is


At least @BruidheanChaorthainn will be happy now

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All the hurling finished anyway so not too bad.

Iā€™m not happy at all but I hope people cop on now. This is what happens if you donā€™t adhere to the restrictions.

So in other words, what everyone has known about for months.

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News at one showing a clip from Braveheart now. ā€œYou may take our lives but youā€™ll never take our freedomā€. The previous 20 minutes beg to differ!

The barney curleys were calling for months for things to open up and that their mental health was suffering.


Marty has cancelled the GGA

Who is @Perez2017 obsessed with the most:

  • Barney Curley
  • Sidney
  • Tassotti

0 voters

Fair play for not voting for yourself.

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If you put in 4 barney curleys would be a fairer vote mate. Canā€™t vote for 1 when 4 of ye have the log in.