Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Are they 2 cheeks of the same arse?

Yes, something most young people don’t have. That’s what being young is about. A shame you were born 40.


An awful lot of people were never happier being locked down mate.

Unfortunately they also tend to vote.

He wouldve had to know a lot about what had happened which was why he advised Harris to go with his scoping review not a full inquiry.

Great game of ball there … An hour and 40, 11 v 11… Gone now for a month to keep the drama queens like @carryharry and @mikehunt happy.

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Being locked down in March/April when the whole country was nervous (combined with glorious weather) wasn’t the worst.

Locking down again in the misery of short dark evenings, in a deeply divided and resentful country is a different kettle of fish.


Good for you fatty.

Bigtime, and its not for 4 weeks either when it happens sadly.

This is open ended - lockdown, open up, lockdown etc

With no end in sight.

Add to that, people were dying of this thing in March/April.

It was understandable to a degree.

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Are you a playmaker or more an lfc press machine mate?

Press machine.

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No doubt the feeling is mutual.

I’m sure your workmates love hearing about your weekends Nancy.

Balls, this clashes with the news and prime time

I’m expecting a Tesco delivery between 9 and 10 :unamused:

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On news now or RTE one?


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RTE One or Virgin Media

I’m tuning into the DJ encore livestream from his bedroom at 9

Yes oi to the beat one time.

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Big guns being rolled out tonight. Martin on the 9 O’clock news and varadkar on Claire Byrne tonight.