Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died



These lads on the panel are trying backtrack for leo. Leo is OIUTF

Saw this on and seems very plausible

Move 1: Leak Nphet Level 5 recommendation.
Move 2: Leak ‘dismay in political circles’.
Move 3: Allow a period of blind panic, say 20 hours or so.
Move 4: Reject Nphet Level 5 recommendation.
Move 5: Bring in Level 3, having softened the country up


If only we could get the cases down to zero we can land in Gatwick.

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I think they were genuinely caught completely off guard by Tony’s solo run

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Varadkar referred loosely to that in a way that hadn’t been uttered by anyone in government really.

The penny finally dropping that the destruction of the economy and a potential mental health epidemic might be worse than any potential excess deaths.

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In shame or a la Ray Patterson?

He wants to smother us with kindness

Mcdonkey shot be put out to pasture with Tony. In Gatwick

McConkey is mad to go to Gatwick. Any chance you could arrange it @Batigol


Tis a sideshow and a distraction.

These fellas are just playing the public at the moment.

Does McWanker work at all?

Sam is working for Samsung or something he’s trying to give us all phones again

He works for RTÉ

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Samsung McDonkey


For an app 50% of people have deleted

Heard that. Be some craic with auld rural lads using apps on smart phones😂

This cunt must have shares in Samsung or Apple. Where did he get his Economics degree? “I don’t think level 3 is good for business” Jesus wept!

Conkers finally acknowledges that we have a border with NI. No mention yet of what happens when we open back up.

The phones again :grin: