Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

He’s wasted in Labour.

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Would you have him up there with Lowry and Dela? You can ring a few shrewd judges if you get stuck on this one

What exactly did Leo say to Holohan that was so great? Were they face to face? Was Holohan scarlet? Is there any point in me ever coming home again?

’ power is a drug… it suits me’

Will Tony step down?

@balbec looks to have gained a few lbs. He’s there in the red t-shirt on the top right.
The fucker laughing at poor oul’ Paddy and firing out platitudes. Not to be trusted…

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Ah no he’s not at their level but he’s a good man all the same who has helped pull a few strokes to get a few things sorted with the Tipp squad few years back.

Himself and Dela would be good mates actually.

Is that the time the goalie embezzled the pensioners? Real quality alright

It was a bad situation all round but I think Kelly did his best in the interests of everyone.

His brother covered the cheque. AK did fuck all

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Leo’s most telling comment of the night was about nobody in NPHET having to go on the PUP or lay anyone off.

The biggest Pup that has been sold in all of this is ‘we’re all in this together’.


You are being charitable

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Spot on.

I do wonder what 40% of the population voted for level 5 in the poll for the show. Income-secure would be my guess.

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Income secure and pensioners scared to within an inch of their life.

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Dry your eyes Philip.

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Fuck em. He was dead right in what he said. They should not be making pronouncements to the public without speaking to the Government. They went flying kites and they got hit by lightning. They are an advisory body who’ve far over stepped their remit and needed to be reigned in.
Not to mind that their advice has been completely mental as well and completely outside the scope of what experts have done elsewhere and even what the WHO have recommended. I think they’ve been getting high on their exalted positions for the last 6 months and forgot themselves.

That said it should not be forgotten that we are taking a step back into lockdown for no other reason than the countries health system cannot cope, and both the Taoiseach and Tánaiste have been ministers for health and in Leo’s case running the country for long enough periods that they could and should have made improvements to the countries health system.
Only a few years back Leo said hospitals with too many beds have lazy staff.
For example UHL is about 100 beds short of what they require in normal time’s and has been for years. They open new beds occasionally but it’s always less than the growth in demand. Just before this they actually closed a ward in the hospital with the biggest trolley numbers in the country because they couldn’t staff it.
They’ve added 6 ICU beds during this crisis. 6. They’ve done this by cannibalising the High Dependecy Unit. That’s what the HSE have managed to come up with in the six months they’ve had. They have additional emergency capacity which basically consists of putting people on normal wards with ventilators. They have no where near the staffing required to run this and it would require the rest of the hospital to shut down again.
There is no track and trace either. It’s basically a myth. They are talking about sorting it now. Again 6 months late. Leo and Martin have to stand over that, it’s not NPHETs fault, although several individuals on NPHET should shoulder a fair portion of the blame for that as well.

While I applaud him calling out NPHET for their nonsense, I don’t really see what he or Martin have done to put us in a position to weather the storm better either.


Fantastic post. I didn’t think you had it in you. Strange times indeed.