Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

And the virus has a low yield of sickness / death - around 1% sickness and .02% death rate ā€¦
every politician keeps citing the same shite and for 6 months now, ICU capacity ā€¦ it was the reason we went full lockdown 6 months ago and the reason we were threatened with it Sunday. Our repeated failures to address our crumbling health sector is the cause of all this furore ā€¦ we had months to get our house in order but we just kept looking at daily figures on the tv - like moths to a flame - and maintained a day by day approachā€¦ people get sick in winter - a dog with a mallet up his hole knows this. It just dawned on nphet and they went and sent the country into a spin instead for their own shortcomings.


Do we think Leo went on a solo run last night?

He was happy to hide behind npet when it suited him and to throw it back on the public. Mick Martin, the poor cunt, doesnt have the same security blanket now ā€” if deaths rise and case numbers keep going up heā€™ll be left looking at Leo and Leo be like - Youā€™re the T, start T-ing ā€¦ as he steps into the background.

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Tubridy reckons if everybody had enough money theyā€™d be happy to lock down. What a complete cunt.


Leo wouldnā€™t have been as direct and critical last night if he was still Taoiseach. He went out of his way to do NPHET last night. He had to make a bit of an effort to get the dig in about the 350 at the end but succeeded.


If things go to shit, its leo that will be remembered. Hes after taking a big gamble.

A lot of what Martin said needed saying yesterday. A lot of what leo said needed saying too, but behind closed doors.

Hes made the Taoiseachs job harder going forward.

VoxPop on Morning Ireland from the streets of Drogheda.
The interviewees were 4 to 1 in favour of going to level 5 so, as one man said, "we could beat it once and for all "

I suppose thatā€™s the part no one is factoring in ā€¦ the stupidity of the average cunt on the street ā€¦


What are they doing out on the streets so

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He didnā€™t need to be so personal on that point. He overstepped there.


I felt NPHET needed a good public dig, but most dozy bastards along with the celebrity medics and academics that have courted popularity amongst the masses seem to have taken grave offence at the ā€œgratuitous attackā€ on our Tony. While a chorus of Leo Leo Leo echoed around TFK, the public mood appears to be different based on morning radio vox pops, twitter etc, albeit this may not be a reliable guide.

Before last night, Iā€™ve been very disappointed with SFā€™s performance. Theyā€™ve been shit scared to take a brave position either way, just generally saying we need to improve testing and tracing. Consistently afraid to disagree with anything specific that the medical junta come out with. There was always going to come a time when ultra cautious public health advice diverged with government actions so it was wholly predictable theyā€™d take the disingenuous and glib angle thatā€¦it seems the government think they know more about a pandemic than a panel of 30+ highly qualified medical experts.

As an aside, Varadkarā€™s line of attack last night was equally disingenuous in parts. Like he accused NPHET of not thinking through the economic impact of going to level 5 etc when thatā€™s 100% not their job. They advise on public health and the government is responsible for the rest. While a recommendation to go from 2/3 to 5 in one jump didnā€™t appear to be backed up by data, surely the government should have some fucking planning done on what will need to happen in practice if we need to go to the highest level.

Itā€™s all a bit of a mess in truth.


From what I can see online and on TV there seems to be a cohort of people between 30-40% who are in favour of a complete return to lockdown. There must be a study in that somewhere to see what the socio economic or health factors are for wanting a return to one of the strictest regimes in the world. I think you will get an overwhelming amount of retired people who are comfortable with a good pension and might be approaching the vulnerable age groupings. But also a large amount of young people who are only scraping by and living paycheck to paycheck and who probably want a liveable salary.


Newstalk poll was Leo right to attack Nphet the way he did. 67% No.

63% believe we need tougher restrictions than level 3.

Paddy is dead only to wash him at this stage.


Have to agree with Ewan for once.

Itā€™s called Stockholm syndrome. And weā€™ve been conditioned for a long time by the narrative in Ireland to be afraid of the virus as opposed to finding ways to live with it.


Arklow is not a nice place

im surprised youre surprised. its bypassed for a reason

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Reading between the lines from Mary lous comments on the radio itā€™s inevitable we are going to level 5 sometime soon.

Mary Lou hasnā€™t a breeze

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