Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Iā€™d imagine he did say all that behind closed doors. NPHET were a disgrace in leaking the Level 5 recommendation trying to force the government into it and got put back in their place good and proper


the leak was brutal. 100%. There are ways to manage it that donā€™t undermine future discussions with both NPHET and the government. Condemn the leak, and the act. Not the advice

He went too far, publicly, in my opinion.

If things get out of hand and we have to go to level 5, then NPHET and Holohan are stronger than ever and Varadkar has made Martin weak as piss

We face an overrun health service every winter. In that context, I dont think this year will be any worse. We definitely need more beds, and itā€™s mental that we dont have them. But I think we will be ok. The virus just cannot spread exponentially in an environment where so many have it and dont even know.

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Some chat from journalists that the NPHET letter was leaked from cabinet having received it on Sunday night, as opposed to NPHET themselves trying to force their hand and get what they wanted.

Martin has done a good enough job by himself of making himself look weak as piss


as i suggested yesterday evening

The current cabinet is more porous that the Man United and Liverpool defences combined .

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he was very strong last night. Heā€™s the Taoiseach. he actually pushed back on NPHET in a calm and considered manner. He said it well and he warned about the dangers going forward. Itā€™s the first time iā€™ve had anything positive to say about him. He did well.

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the opposition is in the coalition and the actual opposition is just sitting back watching them tear each other apart. Itā€™s not good for the nation.

Fair enough. I donā€™t watch him anymore because he annoys me. In fairness to Varadkar he was getting interrogated by Claire Byrne so I donā€™t know if there was any way of him not criticising NPHET without making himself look weak

I think the big issue there is that they didnā€™t know what would happened beyond 4 weeks.

It is disingenuous to just say that you are looking at this one narrow thing.

Firstly, that should be both in the short term and the long term & acting within the constraints proposed to them. In fairness, for all of its criticism, thatā€™s what the Living with Covid plan is about. NPHET clearly donā€™t respect it but it isnā€™t for them to say that. There are stakeholders across society that have to agree to that. Each movement requires different things to move into place. NPHET basically wanted to fuck that plan out and go hard Lockdown ā€œcircuit breakerā€. They wanted a new strategy and you are entitled to ask what happens beyond 4 weeks. If the virus isnā€™t controlled (like Melbourne), this goes on. And unlike Melbourne (and NZ), we wonā€™t be instituting hard border controls. We got the virus to near zero before and it came back, and it will come back again.

All it was was NPHET admitting that they arenā€™t sure how to control the virus and that they want an easy life with periodic hard lockdowns.

Secondly, they are a broad group of medics. It isnā€™t good enough to say thatā€™s all you look at. They all have day jobs and their day jobs should also inform the decisions. Holohan is the CMO. He canā€™t just put that hat down for this.

If NPHET come in and articulate a new strategy, it is incumbent on them to articulate how that would work in the long term.


a couple of well placed prosecutions under the OSA would fix that

I donā€™t get your second point at all

Simon getting excited about another lockdown and the Thank You cards and lovely drawings heā€™d receive again?

Which Simon?

without the leak what happens?

the government talk to NPHET in private, come to the conclusion that we need level 3. Announce it and are the brunt of peopleā€™s anger.

could this have been a 1-2 punch by Martin and Varadkar. We leak the letter from NPHET. Leo you go on RTE 1 and nail Tony and Iā€™ll be Mr. Nice on the 6.01

Good points there.

There was a member of NPHET on Morning Ireland the next day, I think theyā€™re crying wolf.

I donā€™t think this is winning them a lot of popularity points at large so I doubt it.

You should put this thread on ignore for the good of your health,
Bile is the order of the day now, anything else will e crushed


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