Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

What bile did I have in my post or any of my posts here?

There’s no sympathy in this game for anybody.

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Isn’t this the main problem since this government came in, doesn’t help with one party of the government looking to get sly digs in on another party in the government and the third party are tucked up in bed asleep.

Leo is in only one coalition and it’s a coalition of one.

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Some people are thinking along those lines but I don’t think they’d be capable of pulling it off. Too many moving parts and too many dumb people involved for it to work. Maybe Varadkar would be devious enough but not the bumbling FF gombeens. I thought the rush of journalists breaking the story on Sunday night were portraying genuine shock and fury from the government side (even if the cabinet did leak it, not NPHET).

It now seems this morning that FF want to distance themselves from the personal and hard hitting nature of Varadkar’s NPHET attack. Michael McGrath had some very conciliatory remarks on radio earlier and The Examiner are reporting that they want to build bridges etc.

Of course, SF are now trying to opportunistically position themselves as NPHET’s allies so we’ll revert back to the usual fare at Leader’s Questions later. Mary Lou’s outrage followed by Mick Martin’s riposte that you weren’t worried about public health at Bobby Storey’s funeral.

And on we go.


Excellent post my oul epal.

Where da bodies be at

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Stephen Donnelly apparently had some good lines in the B team press conference that was held at 10pm alongside Paschal Donohoe and Eamon Ryan, while Varadkar was simultaneously getting stuck into NPHET on the telly.

When asked who’d be at fault now if the health service is overwhelmed after the government rejected NPHET’s advice, he replied that coronavirus would be at fault.

The optics of Dr Holohan being due to come back to work on Monday but instead convening a meeting on a Sunday didn’t sit well with me. Real alpha male stuff. There isn’t a place in hell hot enough for people who convene a meeting at the weekend when they could just as easily have had it at 8 on a Monday morning.


NPHET, the experts, wanted to institute harsher restrictions in the whole country that even seen in cities across Europe. Madrid, which is riddled, has only set a travel restriction locally, and has a curfew for bars and restaurants. We already have more severe restrictions than that in small rural villages here and it still wasn’t enough for NPHET. NPHET must know something their counterparts in literally every other European country dont.

I’m sorry if NPHET and Tony Holohan’s feelings are hurt but their suggestion was completely unworkable and Leo (whatever his ultimate motives were) was right to call them on it


My first ever nice reply. Thanks @StoneCold

Hardly mate? Surely one of your winners got you over the line

They don’t really count and because the thread is private they don’t appear either.

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Not sure if you’re being serious.

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Im deadly serious.

Ok. Where has a herd immunity strategy been pursued? Where has herd immunity been achieved? Nowhere.


Lunch is for wimps

if only leo and michael had been minsiters for health, they couldve really fixed the health service and wed have easily beaten covid