Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Double your chances for a false positive


Its the greatest cod of our lifetime this virus.


If they can’t trust the first one how can they trust the second one?

Is that what you were referring to @glasagusban??

For a lad who is supposed to be a Science Correspondent, George Lee doesn’t appear to have any grasp on numbers.

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Most of the architects of austerity have admitted they were wrong. That is a big lesson learned.

Suspended yes. And the ECB is now also borrowing lashings of money to keep us all going.

Who ?? Can you show me links ??

Do a bit of googling on it there yourself. A number of the German top brass have said it. The ECB has since had a clear shift in its thinking. The IMF long ago admitted as much too and during the bailout programmes in Ireland greeve wanted more lenient condition that the EU imposed. Sicken you wouldn’t it?

The point is, there is no appetite or desire for austerity anywhere. And even if there were they couldn’t sell it after the last crisis. And with no wrongdoing on anyone’s behalf they couldn’t find a way to pin it on anyone. And it is becoming accepted that yes you can borrow to spend your way out of this. So that’s what will happen.

He was an even worse TD in his brief stint at that from what I can remember.

Britain could face austerity, but because of Brexit

Holy Shit.

TFK is the vaccine.

@rocko has the cure.

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You’re a good guy @glasagusban , but I’m afraid you are at sea here if you really believe that the ECB won’t look for their money back.

They can look for it all they want.

Unless its under the bed, its fair game pal.

Have a read off this

‘Google it yourself’ is really when you know a lad is bet.


Is that the same John Fitzgerald that delivered a complete regeneration of some parts of Limerick pal?

*Not the same guy tbf.

Thank god we have a bit of leadership still in this country