Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

The head on Donnelly there when he says ā€œThe Virus will be responsibleā€


Heā€™s not wrong.

Always had feeling George is still annoyed he wasnā€™t made Finance spokesman/ deputy leader when he was TD for a few months

George Lee is incredibly bitter with the way his career has gone.

He became a complete irrelevance there for the bones of a decade until these past few months.

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Gerry Killeen alert on PT.

Like the last time. And they got it.

Gerry saying level 4 and level 5 inevitable
Iā€™d say he live to go to level 5 right now

Prof Horgan saying next 2-3 weeks are vital.

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McWanker is probably at home drafting level 6

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This is very dull compared to last night.

Donnelly on now.

Donnelly didnā€™t see Leoā€™s interview. The Arsene Wenger playbook.

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He was saying that all morning on the various breakfast radio shows

To be fair he was doing a press conference at the same time.

Itā€™s a decent tactic in this situation in fairness

Jesus fucking women, infuriating. Miriam and Claire awful worried about Tonyā€™s feelings. No wonder there is gender imbalance

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Standard RTE ā€” create hysteria

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Completely and utterly unbelievable that he hasnā€™t seen it.
The Leo thing seems such an outlier the more you hear of other politicians talking the usual aul guff. Has he such an ego it was a complete solo run or was he sent out as attack dog?

Presenter: Minister Donnelly we have 3,000 new Covid cars today

Stevo: Have we? Didnā€™t see the report/news.
No further questions pal

He backtracked today so Iā€™d say he got a slap on the wrist

I call solo run