Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

not her only attribute

Are a decent amount of people getting very sick and dying and are those numbers increasing and will they increase to a dangerous level our health system can’t cope with? Are there actusl facts around this?

These are simply the ONLY questions that matter and nobody in power is providing the answers. They are always ‘listening to data’ but never providing it to us bar the pointless daily cases that only frighten dimwits and older people at this stage.

If the answers to the questions above are yes I would definitely agree with strict restrictions and I think the vast vast majority would. There is massive doubt though and I can’t understand why journalists aren’t pestering the authorities for the answers.

Nphet didn’t leak it last night at all. The government did. That’s well known.

No they leaked it on Sunday night not last night

A nation of Johnny Pilkington’s would be some craic.


Tomas already getting ready for the 3rd wave.

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Tomas Ryan another lad that doesn’t recognise that there are two different governments on this island

Lockdown coming.

Cabinet buying time to organise payments/ finances. After changing all the wage subsidies they couldn’t reverse the changes that quick.

They’re also scrambling to increase ICU and possibly nationalising part of private hospitals.

They’re shitting themselves. They know the hospitals can’t even deal with a normal winter flu nevermind Covid. They were praying for a vaccine or cure but reality has now hit.


Yep sorry. they didn’t leak it at all. It was somebody in government. Fairly obvious it was Leo.

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He is stone mad.

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Its bad when this O’Donovan lad isn’t even the most annoying looking cunt in a studio

Tomas is literally bouncing with agitation, getting all riled up

Vincent Browne would have got great fun out of winding him up and setting him off

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It seems to be fizzling out.


The Brudder was/is better humoured.

Leo leaked it Sunday night. He’s mugged lads off good and proper.

Is Tomas off his head tonight.

What do you want a T.D or official to say.

Yeah Miriam, we’re fucked. There’s no beds and the numbers are fucked.

Maybe Ryan’s tactic is worth a shot? Get the nordies on board and batten down the hatches. Tax everyone who’s still working heavily to pay for the people who have to stop working. Keep the kids in school and let them buy the messages on the way home.

Bonkers. As an aside he’s a neuroscientist not an epidemiologist. They might as well be asking me for my opinion.

And then what.