Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Drew Harris being all sinister

While the Commissioner admitted that a motorist will be able to continue on, even if stopped and asked to turn back by officers, he said it would be “a foolish choice”.

He said often the sort of people who do this “have made poor choices elsewhere” and could be dealt with using other powers.


That Living With Covid leaflet came in the post today so I put it beside my 4-month old on the couch, took a picture of him sizing it up and sent it to my auld lad with the caption “Will we be having a Christmas at all, Tom?!”

A while later I got a mini essay back from him. A circuit breaker might be required in mid/late November to suppress the virus enough to allow people to travel at Christmas to see family, unless the current level 3 has a better impact than NPHET think and things settle down sooner. But the situation can change quickly, as evidenced by the shenanigans over the past few days. So don’t worry about it or get too set on what you want to do - your plan could be ruined by events outside your control.

I didn’t have the heart to tell him it was a throwaway line to accompany the picture.

As an aside, I might book into a Dublin hotel for Christmas. It’s looking like it’ll be my first ever Christmas Day outside Wexford. :sob::sob::sob:

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I wouldnt worry about that when they can’t even check people properly who’re coming into the country through the airports etc.

An auld text message a week later asking you to wash your hands and stay at the same address ffs.

We can check them just fine mate.

We just can’t stop them

But there’s no testing been done mate, it completely defeats the purpose of another full lockdown like the last time.

Other countries you have to produce a covid negative test 72 hours prior to boarding a flight.

I completely believe with proper testing the airports/ports should and have to stay open for what its worth.

We can’t afford to lose that as an Island, simple would be unthinkable.

Lads stop this circuit breaker nonsense. Its like the brendas pining for another lockdown, it won’t work. Resist anyone who suggests it.

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Fucking hell.

I think the whole country at Level 3 eases the tension. I was due to go to Kinsale last weekend before my requirement to restrict my movements arose. Pints and restaurants is now not available anywhere so people can relax in their own prison cell and not look wistfully at freedom over the border.

You’ll get to Wexford for Christmas alright but you may be encouraged to stay there a while.

Drew Harris doing his bit to suppress the virus, just like he did his bit to suppress the efforts of the Historical Enquiries Team to get justice for the families of those murdered by loyalists in concert with the british state. The AGSI rep on Tonight Show was fairly put out by them not having powers to enforce anything. She said Mick Martin promised more powers when all that’s happening is more visibility. She couldn’t understand how increased policing powers weren’t factored into the Living With Covid plan.


Oh no the form is the height of stupidity.

It’s impossible to enforce.

You can only refuse someone entry into the country via the immigration acts (technically you can remove someone but only if they have a deportation order) and they haven’t been changed at all during this pandemic.

So, a Brazilian, for example, can rock up, say they are staying for 7 days, gonna tour around and they’d legally be entitled to land here (provided they told the truth, hadn’t a negative history etc)

Worried about what you might be caught with in the boot of your car pal?

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A spare tyre? I think I should be okay. You going drinking and driving again?

Lads can you drink pints and eat in a hotel in your current county if you are a guest?

I might treat the missus to a few days away. I’ll further treat her (and me) by not going myself

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Rory’s memoirs should be a riveting read

I [quote=“the_man_himself, post:5087, topic:32413, full:true”]
Why the fuck do Sinn Fein keep letting this Cullinane simpleton on TV?

I am no shinner but they are clever enough to push their lightweights out for this . Why waste the likes O Broin , Doherty and RCW on this shitshow

You havent explained there why certain people should be the only ones to pay a price for what you see as the governments mistake. How is that fair either? Do you think the government should pay their full wages and if not why not?

Jaysus mate, you’re turning into Bernard Manning