Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I got 20+ likes for a similar quip last week.

Ciara Doherty is way better than Matt Cooper too. I stopped watching that show when it was Cooper and Yates together or when Cooper and Yates presented it on their own.

An awful lot of us would be happy to pay it but the rest would have to suck it up too. The fellas giving up their perfectly viable businesses and jobs for no other reason than the health of other people actually deserve more credit as ‘heroes’. Instead the whole narrative was the usual vilification shit of people gaming the system etc.

Epidemiology reminds me of economics. It’s all theory because it’s impossible to implement in the real world as there are way too many variables. All based on rules which even the lads coming up with them know don’t hold true in the real world. Different ideological camps which are polar opposites of each other etc etc

Bolloxology in the other words.


Maybe it was in my subconscious. I didn’t mean to steal your line and I apologise unreservedly.

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I’ll have to convene an emergency meeting of the Post Rating Dispute Resolution Committee


And you often can’t prove or disprove what someone says. So you have McDonkey or someone rattling off claims that the original March lockdown saved X thousand lives and we need to do it again or Y thousand will die. Then Y thousand don’t die and they say the original prediction was based on such and such parameters, but the actual parameters were different.

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The virus is very good at sneaking round the place alright. You’d give fierce insight into it’s mindset.

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Did you understand that?

Has MicheĂĄl Martin done any media today by the way? He delivered that statement last night and skipped media questions.

Ah it’s just a FF ostrich defending FF to the hilt.

Yes I’m clearly an FF “ostrich” alright defending them at all costs


Try to keep up better in future pal

If I’m remembering correctly Tomas Ryan predicted a few months ago 50,000 deaths in Ireland if the elimination strategy wasn’t pursued. What’s the death rate over the past few months? Let’s say it’s 20 per month, so that’s 2,500 months to go, or 208 years. I don’t think most people would have the patience for that.

Cullinane was grilled last night on RTE with utterly unfair questions such as “What would you do?” - sure how could a health spokesman be expected to deal with that sort of ambush. Pure anti-SF bias from RTE :joy::joy:


I’d expect a “circuit breaker” from Christmas to third week of January. Schools will be off then anyway and people can hunker down at home.

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The suggestion that people who have not being affected should in part be subsidising people who will be left off in hospitality, entertainment sector is laughable and if ever the phrase robbing Peter to pay Paul was relevant it fits here.

Essentially what it boils down to is we are forced to pay for the mishaps of a few who didnt have the wherewithal to put in place an adequate test and trace system in place or address sufficiently capacity in hospitals since outbreak. Or take your pick number of decades. If you think this government will invest your hard earned money wisely after children’s hospital debacle you are naive.

Besides where is the moral hazard for making shit decisions. If the goodwill of the public is required to alleviate the consequences of dysfunctional governance what is the point of government at all. We have strictest measures in place in Europe with a plan that has more holes in it than a swiss cheese, absolutely no exit strategy and a population that has been scared senseless for the last 6 months. One section of society subsidising an additional 500k people is simply not practical.