Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Blueshirts love people complying to their rules and taken money from the poor

That’s outrageous. There is no legal basis to set up those checkpoints. People going to work/school/making deliveries/going to shops are entitled to go about their lawful business without being boxed in by the Gardai.

They have to be seen this morning as its supposed to piss rain later in the day.

Cant have them out in the rain like.


This is scandalous.


As you referred to last night, it should be pretty worrying for society that Drew Harris said openly at a press briefing Gardai don’t need additional powers to enforce COVID-19 regulations at checkpoints because they can use the checkpoints to target people for other stuff.


I’ve a feeling a lot of OIUTFers might pivot away from ‘its all a cod!’, to ‘the government have made a balls of this’ when icu departments start getting swamped. Instead of saying 'it wasn’t actually a cod I was completely wrong.


There you go… a staffing and logistics issue is all we have. Over 6 bastard months they’ve had at it and we’re still at day 1.

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The government have made a balls of this. They’ve turned what should have been a cod into a serious national health emergency.

cc @Arthur


Thanks mate

That’s an amazing insight. I’m giving it a like

That is scandalous

Its a cod, the goverments handling of it is a cod, the hse is a cod, the historical underfunding of the health service by ffg is a cod, wasting 6 months of prep time for winter is a cod. The situation we are in isn’t because of covid more so covid has shown the wood among the trees with the Irish health service. Covid alone doesn’t warrant this level 3 or and level approach. Therefore its a cod


That’s also scandalous

Fuck sake :rollseyes:

That’s why I said.

Prior to his bizarre appointment Drew ran with torture and murder squads. A bit of overt harassment is neither here nor there.

There are still loads of civil servants doing nothi…sorry “working from home” who could help at contact tracing.

The lads who hunted out Commish Callinan are feeling pretty fucking silly right about now you’d have to think.

We don’t need any additional powers sure we can abuse the ones we have.

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