Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I’m busy out here. Ask art.

@carryharry will be out the door fixing busted tail lights

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A mate of mine who works in a different department was sent a state of play type email from the assistant sec. Gave a breakdown of who’s doing what. It included 30 who were “at home available for work but unable to do so remotely”

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Honestly mate, you’d nearly have been better off if she tested positive, ye all got it, isolated and moved on, because the way things are looking, it’ll happen sooner or later.
My lass is out of quarantine on Friday, back to school Monday, and highly likely just to have the same happen again.


Your mate sounds like a fair low level grunt, which is saying something in the CS

He referred to the 30 sitting on their holes since March as “absolute heroes”

That’s the mindset of the civil servant


Not sure what department that was but it’s possible they could be service officers or cleaning staff, mail delivery people etc.

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a significant number of worker drones from my dept have already been assigned to this and to assisting DEASP with the PUP.

no internet capable of sustaining WFH.

we’ve 7 like that in our dept

It could be. I know of a few who have no laptop or bad internet and gotten out of it that way.

It’s actually very annoying because we now have to do a heap of work in the airport to help clear backlogs from other sections because their staff can’t all attend work

This is some farce :smile:

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Absolutel joke. No powers of enforcement so hoping to enforce by delay

We were quite lucky, our department introduced portable pc type devices last year so I’m pretty much fully operational at home.

If we hadn’t gotten them I’d have been at home squinting at an iPhone 6 trying to read and write emails and getting logged out due to security every five minutes.

Not everyone in every department has a mobile device and there’s a hell of a lot of jobs especially at lower levels that are are paper based or can’t be done from home. That’s before you get to the service officers, mail, security, cleaning or whatever else.

Of course it’s easier to just bash civil servants.

Can someone answer me this. How can the virus spread so quickly through nursing homes but not through schools? Students in schools are in closer proximity to each other that patients in nursing homes are to each other. Are the nursing home clusters mainly spread by staff members?

Most of the teachers I’ve spoken to including Mrs Mac (who is a teacher cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy) say that most kids are not really abiding by Social Distancing outside of the classroom. And there’s plenty of confirmed cases in schools. Any obvious reason that it doesn’t spread around schools as quickly?

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Our annoyance in particular is that we are all in work, full time (as we have been since March) doing the work of another section because it’s not safe for them to return to work. The airport must be some sort of magic anti-viral building.

I know with some of our systems there’s also a security issue and they can’t be accessed remotely.

I wouldn’t bash civil servants en masse, they’re no lazier than anyone else. But lazy civil servants know they’ll get away with doing nothing in situations like this (in my experience)

I would have no problem paying an extra 10% back in March/April but we are nearly 7 months on now. If we were to pay an extra 10% that would mean we would have the toughest restrictions in Europe and also the highest tax rate in Europe. A large % of people you would be taking money from are already hard pressed between mortgage and childcare costs which is like having a 2nd mortgage. A huge number of people would likely be dragged into that net of needing supports themselves. It would be like writing a blank cheque. It is not quantifiable the amount you would have to pay as we don’t know the duration or how often they are going to shut down the country. So to answer your question - no of course its not fair but we shouldn’t be here. I cant argue the position or put myself in the shoes of a government that have backed themselves into a corner and compounded their own errors. Pubs, restaurants etc should be given a proper chance.


They’re called Laptops, you stupid bastard.


Shots fired!

I was just going to post that :grinning:

Its the Internet Jen, it doesn’t weigh anything :rollseyes:


“There is a constitutional protection of the home,” he said.

“Having gardaí positioned outside your home during a house party will really dampen the mood.”

Another fella who has lost the run of themselves. Generally happens when bad behavior and decision making go unchecked.