Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

A couple of journalists made a show of him in reply

Here is the latest news and updates from VFI head office:

Cheap alcohol and house parties

Clearly, the priority is for the country to return to Level Two and normal trading on the target date of 27th October. For that to happen the infection rate needs to substantially reduce. And for that to happen house parties need to be curtailed.

The sale of cheap alcohol, which fuels these gatherings, has long been the elephant in the room. As a Federation we recognised that closing pubs – controlled environments – made no sense if that decision simply funnelled people into uncontrolled house parties. Our Chief Executive Padraig Cribben twice went public calling for Government to address this stark fact, initially on 16th July and most recently on 28th August on Newstalk Breakfast:

“If house parties are the problem in the spread of the disease, you’ve got to go back and say, what’s fuelling the house parties? And what’s fuelling the house parties is the cheap alcohol out of supermarkets.

“You’ve got to do one of two things in relation to that. You’ve got to either bring in the minimum unit pricing, that’s already on our statute books … that’s one option.

The second option, which is a lot less palatable maybe for a lot of people, is that if we’re in such a bind, if the numbers are increasing at such a rate what we actually need to do is look at whether we should take a period of three weeks and actually stop the sale of alcohol in off licences for that period.”

So, once again, we are going public with a call for the introduction of Minimum Unit Pricing and for limits to be placed on the sale of cheap alcohol in supermarkets. We are strenuously lobbying Government on this issue and will keep you posted on developments.

Of note, media and ministers appear to be getting our message, as evidenced by today’s newspapers. In the Irish Independent, it led with a story about off-licence opening hours being significantly reduced.

“Off-licence opening hours would be significantly reduced under Government plans aimed at clamping down on house parties and large social gatherings.

“The proposal to curb opening hours is intended to further limit social gatherings with alcohol, which have been linked to the spread of Covid.

“Three ministers raised the prospect of reducing off- licence opening hours. Social Protection Minister Heather Humphreys was the first to raise the issue and was supported by Justice Minister Helen McEntee and Minister of State for Roads Hildegarde Naughton.”

In the Irish Times, in a summary piece about what can be done to reduce the infection rate, the following was published:

“Is it not time we tackled the “elephant in the room” – the unfettered sale of alcohol in off-licences right through this pandemic?”

So the government running with the line that it was scandalous that NPHET made the level 5 recommendation without warning and they were trying to bounce them into it has been blown into the water. Donnelly did a long set piece interview on Prime Time last night and it never occurred to him to mention that he was in direct contact with Holohan on Saturday and twice on Sunday, and was told by Holohan in the second call on Sunday that a level 5 recommendation was coming. :joy:

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I’d get up on that Amy Coney Barret lads.

I have muted this whack job. Don’t post up his stupid posts again.

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Don’t you consider that a weakness?

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Putting people on ignore is a weakness. Muting is not.

What difficult hand did Danny get?

Leak was from the DOH?

He was born with severe physical disabilities from the kneck down. The abuse at him I’d unsavoury to say the least.

Twitter is a cesspit

Good to see the VFI not missing an opportunity to further their agenda anyway

I personally think closing the off licences for a month or so is a good idea too. With the pubs closed then there will be no way for people with alcohol issues to get alcohol so it will give them some time to self-reflect and consider some of the choices they’ve made in life and strive to be better people. The younger people will also accept this decision with mature consideration that they are known for and maybe start looking at some healthy outdoor activities like hill walking or collecting rare wild plants, much like I would’ve done when I was 19.

Yessir, I really can’t see any downside to a decision like that and I think we should all row in behind it.


you have had a very good pandemic


Everyone can do dry November.

You’re missing the point

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Are the pubs open in the North?

No apologies, I’ve no problem sharing my feelings on NPHET and ffg off here too