Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

He talked alot of sense there.

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Letā€™s not Daniel

Good way to rule out the alcohol boogeyman. Back to serious drinking for Christmas

Two good hearty laughs youā€™ve given me.

Thank you

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I put my pants on one leg at a time bro, just like everyone else.

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Has anyone on here got the covid yet?

Or they might get a sudden interest in the North of the country and decide to tour the six counties for a few days.

Is it Sidney? The similarities are uncanny.

Does Danny Boy have the answer to what median age is a good inninigs for covid deaths to keep society shut down? If we push the median age to 95 can we go the gym? If we hit the magical 100 is it an all nighter in @Lazarus shop?

No more arbitrary than making decisions based on cases. The worldā€™s been swallowed by hysteria. As tossy used to remark, social media is to blame.


Any doctor who speak out against these rules seems to lose their job.

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Interesting goings on in the media over in the UK. Bit of a kickback against policy over there.

The online left have tried to dox him and out him as a YFG shill. So probably not Sydney

Fair play to him.He surely knew heā€™d lose that gig when he spoke up.Id say heā€™ll lose a few patients too.But he speakers a lot of sense.

I hope to god they shut down the off-licences.

While all that is happening I have to find a way to make sure that the Stage 5 lockdown fails. I need to find some way to infect the entire city.

All I wanted was a sweet distraction
For an hour or two
Never wanted to do
The things we done

Christā€¦ Thereā€™s some absolute wankers and wank posted on twitter. The collection of tweets in the last 30 or so posts here would make you vomitā€¦ Everyone is so self-righteous and full of virtue ā€¦ Fucking cunts.


I think future historians will look back on the rise in social media as the tipping point when human civilization turned a very ugly corner. Itā€™s produced a generation who know about everything but know nothing.


Worst invention ever.FB,Instagram,Twitter all a complete load of shite.


you forgot bebo !

whilst I agree with Tierneevin1979 overall sentiment lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater