Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

This absolute fanny has gone off on a major one.

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Donnelly would be a double bouncer, no doubt about it.

I can’t

Oh shit how are we going to learn about the 14 day incidence rates in Guatemala and Burkino Faso.

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evidence based theories.

He’s got way too into this. At least your man David Higgins is getting professional kudos and profile from it, he’s also quite proportionate with his criticism.

Tbf, “Pee O’Neill”, the lad from the Echo Chambers podcast and various anti-government types were trying to dox him and call him out as a FG shill for countering some of the more hysterical guff from Paddy Cosgrave et al. When the row broke out this week he sided with ‘Tony’ over ‘Leo’ so less likely a shill and more likely a harmless overly enthusiastic green jersey merchant. You’d need thick skin to put out pro establishment messages into the Twitter cesspit and this lad doesn’t have that

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The next 10 days are crucial.

Yeah he was good at the start but he just comes across as too slowly focused and dedicated to one thing and team now.

Also the Echo Chambers lads are some of the worst out there, it is telling that someone feels the need to be anonymous when not putting forward the viewpoint of “everything is terrible”.

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If you could pull all them together in one thread it would be good for a laugh

You wouldn’t say it to his face.

From my limited experience anyone who ever “threatened “ to leave twitter generally did not do so .

Mee-hawk and Leo better lawyer up

Nor should you.

Much like here really

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Some dig here at the likes of wee Gavan Reilly, Richard Chambers, Our lovely Zara and that Shane Beatty lummox.

Gavan does not fall under any of those categories

Who is he?

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This chap is saying Dublin is getting out of control and predicting 1,500 cases (at a minimum) per day in two weeks. Let’s see if he’s right