Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died


Freedom will be the end of us all

Maybe Seamus Woulfe can be of some use yet…


There is surely an article to be written about Tomas Ryan and McConkey about these media quotes and comparing their predictions over the last few months with what actually happened. Somebody has surely tracked them.

Although maybe they’ll be right eventually. Throw enough mud and some will stick at some stage perhaps. But their wrong predictions (so far) deserve to be called out.

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3701 cases have required hospitalization.

478 cases were admitted to ICU.

On the 25th of May that figure was 399. Today its 478.

MicheĂĄl Martin has confirmed that the virus is acting the prick again. It loves nothing more than ruining plans.

“That said, the virus isn’t kind to plans… I’m very conscious, to be fair, notwithstanding all the plans we put together the virus has the capacity to put them askew and to undermine a graduated organised response.”

“ a graduated organised response” seems to have overarched an overarching response

Not good

The squeezing of roads, not even a checkpoint,at rush hour and nowhere near county boundaries - hopefully the media ask what the purpose of that was in terms
of fighting the virus.

You’d need a good house party after being in traffic for 5 hours.

Clearly the government has the right plans, but for the wrong virus.

The virus absolutely loves Bank Holiday weekends, victorious GAA teams and trips to other counties.

But it hates Bobby Storey’s funeral, BLM protests and can drinkers in Phoenix Park

It’s a woke virus. It depends on what type of protest you’re having as to whether you are a danger to the public or not


The whole country here is going on “yellow zone” from Saturday. That means bars and restaurants open from 6am to 10pm, masks to be worn in public areas including open spaces but not parks, maximum crowds at events 100 and no dancing.

Can you imagine the scutter Simon Harris is going to come out with at Christmas?

“I know how tough this year has been, how many sacrifices we have all made. Lives and livelihoods destroyed by this vicuous, cunning virus. It has been an incredible strain on all of us.“

“However I’ve just been informed that special dispensation has been given to Santa to visit all our nations amazing children tonight. (While being socially distant and wearing his PPE of course, ha ha). Ireland deserves this. We have this. We shall overcome. Be safe.”


Sure what’s the point in getting all dolled up?

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@Tank slobbering all over nightclubs can’t have helped things

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In the UK 22% of people going for tests actually have symptoms.

You’d imagine it’s going to be similar here.

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The virus is probably working weekends now
Not fair at all