Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Toe the line lads, or else

No countries on Green List from Monday.

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The virus loves an old boogie on the dancefloor.

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eh, people are idiots. Complete fucking idiots. Especially those who take all their facts from Brenda on social media. The public are well on board. It should be level 5 lockdown now so we can erdicate this evil virus once and for all. Dont bother mentioning that it might come back again, level 5 is guaranteed to get rid of it for good.

These Chinese boys fucked us over, good & proper.

Will the medical council be writing to Dr varadakar over his NPHET comments?


506 cases

1 death

91 in Dublin, 76 in Cork, 53 in Donegal, 42 in Meath and the remaining 244 cases are located across 21 counties.

Was expecting worse!

Weā€™re flattening the curve


Dublin back to Level 2 surely.


Dublin less than 20% of the figures

The Muldoons need to start to wash their hands ffs sake

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I was very critical of measures in Dublin (and still think restrictions in general are way OTT) but that is trending in the right direction.

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At these levels (if we can sustain them) there is absolutely no justification for level 4 or 5 and strong arguments to me made for level 2.

That Tomas Ryan fella is full of shit.


dublin is dropping

the rest directly related to the GGA


He ruined it for everybody

Numbers do seem to have stabilised in Dublin somewhat. It was making up over 50% of daily cases for a good stretch there.

Murder on the dancefloor