Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died


Few lads here owe Nolan an apology

I’m sorry if I called him for using incorrect language on his scaremongering twitter post.

What scared you in his tweet love?

The lad who said the rate was dangerously high back In August.

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Me personally nothing but I think he and NPHET, and governments in general, are whipping up too much fear over a relatively harmless virus and I think the restrictions in place to deal with it are disproportionate and will cause more harm than the virus.

I feel I’ve had this argument with you 15 times at this stage and I don’t see us getting to a resolution here so I’ll leave it at that.

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You said that was a scaremongering tweet. He presented data and said people need to take personal responsibility which is what a lot of people on here have been asking for.

You’re all the time looking for ghosts

What do you mean by that?

You’re seeing things that aren’t there. How was that particular tweet scaremongering


References to hospitalizations and ICU capacity. And frankly I think instructing people to not have social interaction is scaremongering.

Any I’ve explained my point of view. You disagree. That’s fair enough.

Lewis Goodall Profile picture

Lewis Goodall

13h, 5 tweets, 1 min read

My Authors

The biggest questions that governments in every part of the UK have to answer are these: the lockdown was justified partly as a means to buy time to put the systems (tracktrace/effective small local lockdowns/mass testing etc) in place which would mean we might not need to…

… return to onerous blanket restrictions either nationally or across large swathes of the country. Given such restrictions are returning- what happened to those systems? What effect have they had? Were these the wrong strategies in the first place? And now do we need new ones?

Because though obviously the acute problem of the rising cases is worrying, perhaps the bigger worry is the strategic one: the fact we’re at all and there’s not much sense yet from any politician of how we prevent it again, while we wait for a vaccine, which may never come.

So in short: is it the same strategies but better executed? Or something different?

NB this also applies to Ireland, as we’ve seen this week

There’s a difference. He’s presenting data as fact and echoing the governments stance on social contacts and social distancing.

You’re lying about those facts and saying he’s scaremongering when he is not

What fact did I lie about? If you’re referencing the exponential thing I think it’s a bit much to call that a lie.

I’ve addressed the scaremongering thing already

Did you say it wasn’t exponential growth?

Asking people to limit discretionary social contacts during a pandemic is scaremongering?

No that was someone else. I questioned it and when corrected I accepted that. Won’t accept being called a liar on that.

I’ve already addressed the scaremongering thing and won’t anymore

Apologies. I thought it was you

You’ve been as much a scaremonger as anyone in the government.

I’ll paraphrase but

“The country is fucked”
“We’ll never be the same again”
“They’re trying to destroy the country”
“This will be the worst recession in history”

Those or the likes of those are things you’ve been repeating constantly

Yeah you could say I have. I’m very worried about the direction of the country and the lasting effects of these restrictions. I’ve been consistent on that from day 1.

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I have found arguing with @Julio_Geordio on anything math related to be akin to banging your head off a wall. Is he not some kind of accountant? Explain it to him in terms of compound interest.

That was a spectacularly willful display of ignorance by him