Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

87,311 deaths :eek:

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617 cases

5 deaths

123 in Dublin
107 in Cork
42 in Meath
36 in Kerry
35 in Galway

Remaining 274 cases are located across the 21 other counties

Time to move Cork and Dublin to 5

Cork has fallen.

106 of the 107 are ‘Rockies Bai’s’

Smug Kerry cunts with their supposed Type O blood immunity :grin:


Do we know what century?

The 42 in Meath were in the front row on Sunday


One death was also denotified according to Fergal Bowers.

We need to get this cunt off Twitter

If there is an issue with cross border transmission of Covid why are Caitriona Perry and the RTÉ Six-One Team broadcasting from the Guild Hall in Derry, a Covid hotspot? Is there not a ban on travelling outside your county boundary? Do RTÉ consider broadcasting the news from Derry an essential service?


Send Idah and Connolly since NPHET like to dictate their movements

Beyond ridiculous . Tommy Gorman getting very excited . That said the Guildhall is fabulous building .

Rules are only for little people.

Lads need to relax

The same channel that insist we’ll only know how windy it is if we can literally see Teresa Mannion being blown down Salthill Pier at 80mph


Next 14 days

Fines on the way for breaking COVID rules. Government overstepping the mark here big time in my opinion

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Did they ever break your door down with a battering ram that time?

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