Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Sure most of your 5km is water

Dr Tony will be smug tonight.

You can.

My golf course is a bit outside 5km.

Iā€™d say so.

The highest daily figure so far was 1068 I think. We werenā€™t far off it today.

We are testing more now than we ever were though.

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It is. Iā€™ve a half a circle

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Closer travel restrictions, no gyms or hairdressers. Only ā€œessential businessesā€ (whatever the hell they are) are allowed open.

These cases are in the system a few days. The hospital numbers are stable. Absolutely no need for panic.


Level 5 rules out the Intercounty Championships and horse racing, the only two things I really have left in my life.


Yeah huge difference. Shops can open. Teams can train. Hairdressers and barbers open. No 5km limit

From this 1000 cases today how many will require hospital in the coming weeks?

So basically moving to Level 5 only impacts golf wankers?

Iā€™m all for Level 5 guys.

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Spot on, especially considering the WHO themselves have said 10% of the population have had this virus at this stage.

What teams?

I play a weekly astro game in Monaghan and it was suspended. Club GAA activity is suspended and the only training allowed is non-contact training in groups of 15 or less.

Iā€™ve no idea. Will moving to level 5 help them avoid hospital?

I may sort out the turkey and ham in the morning


It will help the hospitals who may be struggling to deal with numbers. Dealing with an infectious disease isnā€™t easy

You havenā€™t it done yet? :scream:

It is.

Worth noting that the numbers in hospital went down today.

No decision on restrictions, up or down, should be made on one dayā€™s numbers


What is? They arenā€™t made on one days numbers, they are made on trends and the trend isnā€™t good.